This is a child theme of the BuddyPress bp-default theme.
We override:
header.php footer.php single.php style.css
And additionally provide function hooks in:
functions.php shortcodes.php
...and that's it! Wordpress' output is modified via callbacks in functions.php. We structure the page in header/footer but aim to use the parent theme's templates in all other cases. Wordpress always provides a more robust override mechanism.
To add a carousel to your page can be as simple as:
[carousel] [slide img="http://slide1.jpg" class="active"] [slide img="http://slide2.jpg"] [/carousel]
Please note that one of the slides must have class="active"
applied to it, this will be the first slide that is displayed.
Other supported attributes are heading
and caption
. For example, to add a caption to a slide you would enter it as follows::
[carousel] [slide img="http://slide1.jpg" class="active"] [slide img="http://slide2.jpg" caption="My caption for slide two"] [/carousel]
Pseudo Sidebar
If you are using the 'One column, no sidebar' template to hide the default sidebar, you can mimic the default layout like so::
[pseudocontent] My main content [/pseudocontent] [pseudosidebar] My sidebar content [/pseudosidebar]
Image Caption
Wrap an image and its caption in a border
[caption width="450" caption="My caption"] <img src="http://image.jpg" alt="" width="450" /> [/caption]
To create a magazine frontpage for your blog, create a page and choose 'Magazine' as its Template (on the right hand side).
Magazine mode will display:
- The latest blogpost with the category "Featured" at the top.
- The latest four blogposts which aren't that one beneath it.
The algorithm which displays a picture looks for "magazine.image" in the blogpost. Just add a HTML comment to your blog post:
<!-- magazine.image = -->
There is a simple algorithm to choose which category is displayed on the ribbon. This file decides which category will be chosen first:
To use YARPP to display Related Posts as magazine entries on the post view page, open up the YARPP widget settings.
- Disable "Automatically display related posts"
- Select "Display using a custom template file" (yarpp-template-magazine.php)