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Kori Francis edited this page Jun 27, 2016 · 3 revisions

Getting Started


To install the latest from NuGet, search for chargify and install or run Install-Package chargify from the NuGet Package Manager Console.

NuGet Package Install

Basic Usage

To interact with the Chargify API, simply construct the ChargifyConnect client object.

using ChargifyNET;

var client = new ChargifyConnect(url: "https://<subdomain>", apiKey: "<api key>", password: "X") {
    ProtocolType = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
var customers = client.GetCustomerList();
var customer = customers.Values.FirstOrDefault();
var customerSubscriptions = client.GetSubscriptionListForCustomer(customer.ChargifyID);

Error Handling

Exceptions from Chargify may contain useful information specific to the call being made, so wrap your call in a try/catch and specifically catch the ChargifyException:

try {
    var newSubscription = client.CreateSubscription("missing_product_handle", customer.ChargifyID, paymentInfo);
} catch (ChargifyException ex) {
    if (ex.ErrorMessages != null) Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", ex.ErrorMessages.Select(m => m.Message));

Super Common Accessor Strategies

If you are going to use the API wrapper in any big useful capacity, you'll likely want one of the following strategies so that you don't continually need to construct the object. Pick one and prosper.

// C#6 Expression-bodied Member
public ChargifyConnect Chargify => _chargify ?? (_chargify = new ChargifyConnect
    apiKey = "<api key>",
    Password = "X",
    URL = "https://<subdomain>",
    ProtocolType = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
private ChargifyConnect _chargify;


// Useful cached client useful in ASP.NET, uses the Chargify configuration section added by NuGet.
private ChargifyConnect Chargify
        if (HttpContext.Cache["Chargify"] == null)
            ChargifyAccountRetrieverSection config = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("chargify") as ChargifyAccountRetrieverSection;
            ChargifyAccountElement accountInfo = config.GetDefaultOrFirst();
            ChargifyConnect chargify = new ChargifyConnect();
            chargify.apiKey = accountInfo.ApiKey;
            chargify.Password = accountInfo.ApiPassword;
            chargify.URL = accountInfo.Site;
            chargify.SharedKey = accountInfo.SharedKey;
            chargify.UseJSON = config.UseJSON;

            HttpContext.Cache.Add("Chargify", chargify, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);

        return HttpContext.Cache["Chargify"] as ChargifyConnect;