FrontEnd React application for Modular Monolith With DDD repository and system.
This application is a GUI implementation for the system created within the repository Modular Monolith With DDD.
This is the first, very early version of the application containing only the bare minimum for backend integration. It is in actual, rapid development. The current state is as follows:
- implements most important use cases (about 80%)
- layout and styles have been completely omitted
- no use of controls, global state, etc
Unlike the backend repository, this repository is not intended to show you how to design and implement applications in React. One day, I hope it will be.
I don't specialize in front-end technologies. Therefore, any help with the development of this application will be very useful. Please contact me directly.
- Install NPM
- Execute following command from root path:
npm start
- Application will start and will be hosted on http://localhost:3000/ address. Backend should be hosted on http://localhost:5000/ address.
More information in How To Run file.
Kamil Grzybek
The project is under MIT license.