- Free, open-source Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS for any EXISTING Laravel 5.x or new Laravel 6 website.
- Only add a few database tables with a prefix, not effect your existing database tables.
- You can easily custom the database table names, the page URL path(route) and the template(theme)
- Website is ready after install. Easy to use, simple enough but flexible.
- Basic Laravel 5.x /Laravel 6.x syntax and blade template, no need to learn a new "language"
// Make sure you already configured the database in the .env
// Go to the laravel project folder and install it via composer
// Initialize the CMS (You can set up database table prefix and locale here)
composer require alexstack/laravel-cms && php artisan laravelcms
// Now you can access the cms frontend site: http://yourdomain/cms-home
// Access the backend with the FIRST USER of your site: http://yourdomain/cmsadmin
// Uninstall the CMS
php artisan laravelcms --action=uninstall
- This means you did not install Laravel Auth
- Can be fixed by the below commands:
// Laravel 5.x
php artisan make:auth && php artisan migrate
// Laravel 6.x
composer require laravel/ui && php artisan ui vue --auth
- Amila CMS use your existing Laravel user system
- You need to log in with the FIRST USER of your site (user_id = 1)
- You can add more admin users by change the admin_ary in config/laravel-cms.php
- If you don't have any existing user, then register a new one via http://your-domain/register
- You can fix it by creating a storage public link
- php artisan storage:link
- eg. The public/storage should link to ../storage/app/public, if the public/storage is a real folder, you should remove/rename it and run "php artisan storage:link" to set up the link.
- homepage_route: This is the frontend homepage. By default it is /cms-home, you can change it to / then remove the existing / route in the routes/web.php
# Change homepage_route to / Â in config/laravel-cms.php
'homepage_route' Â Â => env('LARAVEL_CMS_HOMEPAGE_ROUTE', '/'),
# Remove the existing / route in the routes/web.php
// Route::get('/', function () {
// Â Â return view('welcome');
// });
- page_route_prefix: This is the frontend page prefix. By default it is /cms-, it will match path like /cms-*. You can change it to a folder like /xxx/ or anything like xxx-, eg. Page- Article-
'page_route_prefix' => env('LARAVEL_CMS_PAGE_PREFIX', '/Article-'),
- admin_route: This is the backend admin page route, By default, it is /cmsadmin
'admin_route' Â Â Â => env('LARAVEL_CMS_BACKEND_ROUTE', '/admin2019'),
- After changing the route, you will need to run below commands:
php artisan laravelcms --action=clear
- .blade.php Code examples:
@if ( isset($file_data->main_image) )
  <img src="{{$helper->imageUrl($file_data->main_image, '1000') }}" class="img-fluid" />
  <img src="{{$helper->imageUrl($file_data->main_image, '500') }}" class="img-fluid" />
  <img src="{{$helper->imageUrl($file_data->main_image, 'w', '150') }}" class="img-fluid" />
  <img src="{{$helper->imageUrl($file_data->main_image, '100', '100') }}" class="img-fluid" />
  <img src="{{$helper->imageUrl($file_data->main_image, 'original', 'original') }}" class="img-fluid" />
- You can get an image with any width and height. or use the original image.
- Available image variables: $file_data->main_image, $file_data->main_banner, $file_data->extra_image, $file_data->extra_image_2
- The CMS will resize the image at the first time, then will directly use it afterwards.
- The asset files located at public/laravel-cms/<theme_name>, eg. public/laravel-cms/frontend/css
- Example code to load css or js:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $helper->assetUrl('css/main.css') }}">
<script src="{{ $helper->assetUrl('js/bottom.js') }}"></script>
- The default template file will load CSS and js asset with last_modify_time parameter to avoid cache from the browser
- Copy the default theme folder /resources/views/laravel-cms/frontend to /resources/views/laravel-cms/new_theme
- Change the frontend_dir in the settings page to new_theme
- Default value in config/laravel-cms.php
  'template' => [
    'frontend_dir'    => 'frontend',
    'backend_dir'    => 'backend',
    'backend_language'  => 'en',
    'frontend_language' => 'en',
- run php artisan config:cache to load new config file
- Change template settings for the pages in the backend
- The css/js asset files will locate at public/laravel-cms/new_theme
- You can change it in the settings page
- 'slug_format' can be from_title, id, pinyin
- 'slug_suffix' can be anything you want, empty means no suffix
  'slug_format'  => 'from_title',
  'slug_suffix'  => '.html',
  'slug_separate' => '-',
- One simple option is to implement a method from your own PHP controller/class by adding it into a cms page. Tutorial for it.
- Another option is to create a CMS plugin for your own project and use it for all pages. A tutorial is here. You can also publish the plugin if the feature can be used by other websites.
- It's good for a local test
// Install Laravel 6.x & the CMS package
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel cms && cd cms && composer require alexstack/laravel-cms
// Then you need to change the database settings in the .env after that initialize CMS
cd cms & vi .env
php artisan laravelcms
// Or initialize the CMS with silent mode
php artisan laravelcms --action=initialize --locale=en --table_prefix=cms_ Â --silent=yes
// Enable auth system for Laravel 6.x
composer require laravel/ui && php artisan ui vue --auth && php artisan migrate
// Config the document root to point to the cms/public then you can access the backend
// Tips: You will need to register a new user, the first user will be the admin user
- Run below command in your Laravel project folder
- It will ask whether you want to copy the new view, asset and language files to your project
composer require alexstack/laravel-cms && php artisan laravelcms --action=upgrade
- Upgrade screenshot
- Laravel CMS use ReactJS for backend All Pages list, the ReactJS source code can be found here
- The compiled js file is here: /public/laravel-cms/backend/js/reactLaravelCmsBackend.js
- It can be switch to normal Laravel blade page by change the "react_js": true to false in the setting system.all_pages
- The Amila Laravel CMS is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.