EntitySearch is an out-of-the-box solution for filtering, sorting, and paginating data. It works with Entity Framework but can be extended to support other ORMs.
Download the nuget package:
dotnet add package khamzakhamzakhamza.EntitySearch.EfCore
To use EntitySearch in an ASP.NET Core application with Entity Framework, all you need to do is add EntitySearch services to the ASP.NET Core DI container:
using EntitySearch.Core;
using EntitySearch.EfCore;
using EntitySearch.Example.Data;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
options => options.UseInMemoryDatabase("Example"));
+ builder.Services.AddEntitySearch().WithEfCore<ExampleDbContext>();
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
Pick an entity you want to search through (here's an example):
using EntitySearch.Example.Enums;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace EntitySearch.Example.Entities;
public class Todo {
public string Id {get;set;} = null!;
public WeekDays WeekDay { get; set; }
public string? Name {get;set;}
public bool Done {get;set;}
public int SomeValue {get;set;}
Create a filtering spec for that entity with the filter properties you want to use:
using EntitySearch.Core;
using EntitySearch.Core.Attributes;
using EntitySearch.Example.Enums;
namespace EntitySearch.Example.FilteringSpecs;
public class TodoFilteringSpec: IFilteringSpec
public WeekDays? WeekDayEqual { get; set; }
public string? NameContains { get; set; }
public bool? DoneEqual { get; set; }
public int? LessThanSomeValue { get; set; }
public int? GreaterThanSomeValue { get; set; }
Now, to perform the search, you need to use a service called Search
, which will perform the search and return the results. Search requires filtering, sorting, and paginating specs:
using EntitySearch.Core;
using EntitySearch.Core.Specs;
using EntitySearch.Example.Data;
using EntitySearch.Example.Entities;
using EntitySearch.Example.Enums;
using EntitySearch.Example.FilteringSpecs;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
namespace EntitySearch.Example.Pages;
public class IndexModel : PageModel
public Todo[] Todos {get; set;} = {};
private readonly ExampleDbContext _context;
+ private readonly Search _search;
public IndexModel(ExampleDbContext context, Search search)
_context = context;
_search = search;
public async Task OnPostFilterAsync()
// Collect data from the form
var weekDayEqualsOn = Request.Form["weekdayequalson"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
var weekDayEquals = (WeekDays)int.Parse(Request.Form["weekdayequals"].First() ?? "0");
var nameContainsOn = Request.Form["namecontainson"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
var nameContains = Request.Form["namecontains"];
var doneEqualOn = Request.Form["doneequalson"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
var doneEqual = Request.Form["doneequals"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
var someValueLessThanOn = Request.Form["somevaluelessthanon"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
int.TryParse(Request.Form["somevaluelessthan"].FirstOrDefault(), out var someValueLessThan);
var someValueGreaterThanOn = Request.Form["somevaluegreaterthanon"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
int.TryParse(Request.Form["somevaluegreaterthan"].FirstOrDefault(), out var someValueGreaterThan);
var sortDescending = Request.Form["sortdescending"].FirstOrDefault() == "on";
var sortBy = Request.Form["sortby"].First();
// Create specs
+ var filteringSpec = new TodoFilteringSpec {
+ WeekDayEqual = weekDayEqualsOn ? weekDayEquals : null,
+ DoneEqual = doneEqualOn ? doneEqual : null,
+ LessThanSomeValue = someValueLessThanOn ? someValueLessThan : null,
+ GreaterThanSomeValue = someValueGreaterThanOn ? someValueGreaterThan : null,
+ };
if (nameContainsOn)
filteringSpec.NameContains = nameContains;
+ var sortitngSpec = new SortingSpec(sortBy, sortDescending);
+ var paginatingSpec = new PaginatingSpec(0, 10);
// Run search
+ var entities = await _search.SearchAsync<TodoFilteringSpec, Todo>(filteringSpec, sortitngSpec, paginatingSpec);
// Display results
Todos = entities.Data.ToArray();
That's it! Enjoy standardized, hassle-free searching :)
By default, EntitySearch builds the simplest search query based on the requirements. To apply modifications to the query, you can create a custom Search service that inherits from the default Search
service and overrides the CustomizeQuery
using EntitySearch.Core;
using EntitySearch.Core.Adapters;
using EntitySearch.Core.QueryBuilders;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace EntitySearch.Example;
public class TodoSearch: Search
public TodoSearch(IDataAdapter dataAdapter,
IFilteringQueryBuilder filteringQueryBuilder,
ISortingQueryBuilder sortingQueryBuilder)
: base(dataAdapter, filteringQueryBuilder, sortingQueryBuilder) {}
public override IQueryable<TEntity> CustomizeQuery<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity> query)
var todoQuery = query as IQueryable<Todo>;
return CustomizeTodoQuery(todoQuery) as IQueryable<TEntity>;
// Perform any modification to the query here.
private IQueryable<Todo> CustomizeTodoQuery(IQueryable<Todo> query) => query.AsNoTracking();
EntitySearch dynamically builds expressions and executes them with a data adapter.
If needed, new implementations of IDataAdapter
can be created to make the library work with different ORMs.