Releases: khanhas/ueli
- Config
: change ueli location to a fixed position or relative to center.
To set a fixed location, set numbers for both x
field and y
field or just one of them. Example:
"windowLocation": {
"x": 200,
"y": 300
"windowLocation": {
"y": 100
"windowLocation": {
"x": 400
To set a center-relative position, set strings for both field or just one of them. Example:
Move window 200px to the left from the center:
"windowLocation": {
"x": "-200"
Move window 30px to the bottom from the center:
"windowLocation": {
"y": "+30"
- Config
: whether ueli should show breadcrumbs in Application results. - Toggle DevTools shortcut: F12
- Customize font size with 3 new CSS variables:
- Calculator: object stringify bug
- Set Autostart didn't actually work bug
Increase performance, reduce initiate time.
Command-line searcher: Supports pipes to suggest command correctly
Command-line searcher: user typed command is appended to results so you can execute it if suggested commands is not what you want.
Calculator: hexadecimal and binary are recognized.
Execute Calculator result (Enter) to copy result to clipboard.
Customizable Everything Filter file path:
in config. -
Fixed JS's
floating offset problem.
- Switch To feature: If a program already opened, you can switch to it when searching for it in Run mode. "Switch to" program result is prepended to normal program result so you can still open new program instance if you want.
To turn off this feature, set runModeSwitchTo
of features
in config to false
- Config: Ability to define custom icons for search results and modes.
You can define any of these fields and remove fields you do not want to change.
"customIcons": {
"bookmark": "<path ... />",
"calculator": "<path ... />",
"clipboard": "<path ... />",
"commandLine": "<path ... />",
"customShortcut": "<path ... />",
"everything": "<path ... />",
"file": "<path ... />",
"folder": "<path ... />",
"loading": "<path ... />",
"online": "<path ... />",
"program": "<path ... />",
"search": "<path ... />",
"url": "<path ... />",
"variable": "<path ... />",
"windows": "<path ... />"
"customIcons": {
"folder": "<path d=\"M 26 27.333 L 6 27.333 C 4.186 27.356 2.696 25.907 2.667 24.093 L 2.667 7.907 C 2.696 6.093 4.186 4.644 6 4.667 L 12.133 4.667 C 12.532 4.669 12.909 4.85 13.16 5.16 L 16.627 9.4 L 25.96 9.4 C 26.838 9.379 27.688 9.709 28.322 10.317 C 28.955 10.926 29.319 11.762 29.333 12.64 L 29.333 24.093 C 29.304 25.907 27.814 27.356 26 27.333 Z\"/>",
"file": "<path d=\"M 26.32 11.107 L 19.067 3.107 C 18.815 2.827 18.456 2.668 18.08 2.667 L 8.747 2.667 C 7.852 2.656 6.99 3.001 6.35 3.626 C 5.709 4.251 5.344 5.105 5.333 6 L 5.333 26 C 5.344 26.895 5.709 27.749 6.35 28.374 C 6.99 28.999 7.852 29.344 8.747 29.333 L 23.253 29.333 C 24.148 29.344 25.01 28.999 25.65 28.374 C 26.291 27.749 26.656 26.895 26.667 26 L 26.667 12 C 26.666 11.67 26.542 11.351 26.32 11.107 L 26.32 11.107 Z M 23.533 12 L 18.28 12 C 17.708 11.944 17.287 11.439 17.333 10.867 L 17.333 5.333 L 17.48 5.333 L 23.533 12 Z M 23.253 26.667 L 8.747 26.667 C 8.559 26.678 8.375 26.613 8.235 26.488 C 8.095 26.363 8.01 26.188 8 26 L 8 6 C 8.01 5.812 8.095 5.637 8.235 5.512 C 8.375 5.387 8.559 5.322 8.747 5.333 L 14.667 5.333 L 14.667 10.867 C 14.622 12.911 16.236 14.609 18.28 14.667 L 24 14.667 L 24 26 C 23.99 26.188 23.905 26.363 23.765 26.488 C 23.625 26.613 23.441 26.678 23.253 26.667 Z \"/>",
"program": "<path d=\"M 27.547 9.68 L 27.547 9.68 C 27.547 9.587 27.413 9.493 27.347 9.4 L 27.227 9.267 C 26.916 8.883 26.525 8.574 26.08 8.36 L 17.547 4.36 L 17.547 4.36 C 16.591 3.919 15.489 3.919 14.533 4.36 L 6 8.36 C 5.558 8.577 5.167 8.886 4.853 9.267 L 4.693 9.333 C 4.616 9.414 4.549 9.503 4.493 9.6 L 4.493 9.6 C 4.175 10.103 4.004 10.685 4 11.28 L 4 20.693 C 4.004 21.992 4.764 23.169 5.947 23.707 L 14.48 27.707 C 15.44 28.151 16.547 28.151 17.507 27.707 L 26.04 23.707 C 27.219 23.177 27.984 22.012 28 20.72 L 28 11.28 C 27.993 10.716 27.837 10.164 27.547 9.68 Z M 15.613 6.747 C 15.86 6.64 16.14 6.64 16.387 6.747 L 23.493 10.053 L 16 13.533 L 8.507 10.053 L 15.613 6.747 Z M 7.067 21.333 C 6.829 21.241 6.671 21.015 6.667 20.76 L 6.667 12.133 L 14.667 15.853 L 14.667 24.813 L 7.067 21.333 Z M 24.92 21.333 L 17.333 24.813 L 17.333 15.853 L 25.333 12.133 L 25.333 20.72 C 25.34 20.991 25.174 21.237 24.92 21.333 Z \"/>",
"url": "<path d=\"M 16 2.667 C 8.636 2.667 2.667 8.636 2.667 16 C 2.667 23.364 8.636 29.333 16 29.333 C 23.364 29.333 29.333 23.364 29.333 16 C 29.333 8.636 23.364 2.667 16 2.667 Z M 16 5.333 C 16.803 5.339 17.604 5.432 18.387 5.613 C 18.155 6.137 17.798 6.594 17.347 6.947 C 17.053 7.173 16.733 7.36 16.413 7.56 C 15.4 8.059 14.546 8.83 13.947 9.787 C 13.29 11.155 13.005 12.673 13.12 14.187 C 13.12 16 13.12 17.067 11.853 18.013 C 10.027 19.44 7.24 18.64 5.507 17.92 C 5.393 17.286 5.335 16.644 5.333 16 C 5.333 10.109 10.109 5.333 16 5.333 Z M 22.52 24.427 C 22.289 23.894 22.008 23.385 21.68 22.907 C 21.533 22.693 21.387 22.48 21.253 22.253 C 20.733 21.347 20.92 20.92 21.76 19.587 L 21.893 19.36 C 22.434 18.368 22.701 17.25 22.667 16.12 C 22.665 15.673 22.705 15.226 22.787 14.787 C 23 13.813 25.067 13.547 26.347 13.453 C 27.404 17.565 25.903 21.911 22.533 24.493 L 22.52 24.427 Z \"/>",
"calculator": "<path d=\"M 25.333 14.667 L 6.667 14.667 L 6.667 9.333 C 6.667 8.597 7.264 8 8 8 L 24 8 C 24.736 8 25.333 8.597 25.333 9.333 L 25.333 14.667 L 25.333 14.667 L 25.333 14.667 L 25.333 14.667 L 25.333 14.667 L 25.333 14.667 L 25.333 14.667 Z M 16 22 C 15.264 22 14.667 21.403 14.667 20.667 C 14.667 19.93 15.264 19.333 16 19.333 C 16.736 19.333 17.333 19.93 17.333 20.667 C 17.333 21.403 16.736 22 16 22 L 16 22 L 16 22 L 16 22 L 16 22 L 16 22 Z M 21.333 22 C 20.597 22 20 21.403 20 20.667 C 20 19.93 20.597 19.333 21.333 19.333 C 22.07 19.333 22.667 19.93 22.667 20.667 C 22.667 21.403 22.07 22 21.333 22 L 21.333 22 L 21.333 22 L 21.333 22 L 21.333 22 Z M 10.667 22 C 9.93 22 9.333 21.403 9.333 20.667 C 9.333 19.93 9.93 19.333 10.667 19.333 C 11.403 19.333 12 19.93 12 20.667 C 12 21.403 11.403 22 10.667 22 L 10.667 22 L 10.667 22 L 10.667 22 Z M 16 26 C 15.264 26 14.667 25.403 14.667 24.667 C 14.667 23.93 15.264 23.333 16 23.333 C 16.736 23.333 17.333 23.93 17.333 24.667 C 17.333 25.403 16.736 26 16 26 L 16 26 L 16 26 Z M 21.333 26 C 20.597 26 20 25.403 20 24.667 C 20 23.93 20.597 23.333 21.333 23.333 C 22.07 23.333 22.667 23.93 22.667 24.667 C 22.667 25.403 22.07 26 21.333 26 L 21.333 26 Z M 24 5.333 L 8 5.333 C 5.791 5.333 4 7.124 4 9.333 L 4 25.333 C 4 27.542 5.791 29.333 8 29.333 L 24 29.333 C 26.209 29.333 28 27.542 28 25.333 L 28 9.333 C 28 7.124 26.209 5.333 24 5.333 L 24 5.333 L 24 5.333 L 24 5.333 L 24 5.333 L 24 5.333 L 24 5.333 Z M 10.667 26 C 9.93 26 9.333 25.403 9.333 24.667 C 9.333 23.93 9.93 23.333 10.667 23.333 C 11.403 23.333 12 23.93 12 24.667 C 12 25.403 11.403 26 10.667 26 Z\"/>",
"bookmark": "<path d=\"M 8 28 C 7.771 27.999 7.546 27.94 7.347 27.827 C 6.927 27.591 6.667 27.148 6.667 26.667 L 6.667 7.107 C 6.629 5.443 7.937 4.058 9.6 4 L 22.4 4 C 24.063 4.058 25.371 5.443 25.333 7.107 L 25.333 26.667 C 25.33 27.14 25.077 27.577 24.667 27.813 C 24.254 28.052 23.746 28.052 23.333 27.813 L 15.773 23.533 L 8.667 27.8 C 8.466 27.925 8.236 27.994 8 28 Z\"/>",
"windows": "<path d=\"M 26.667 0 L 5.333 0 C 2.388 0 0 2.388 0 5.333 L 0 26.667 C 0 29.612 2.388 32 5.333 32 L 26.667 32 C 29.612 32 32 29.612 32 26.667 L 32 5.333 C 32 2.388 29.612 0 26.667 0 Z M 16 5.333 C 16.982 5.333 17.778 6.129 17.778 7.111 C 17.778 8.093 16.982 8.889 16 8.889 C 15.018 8.889 14.222 8.093 14.222 7.111 C 14.222 6.129 15.018 5.333 16 5.333 Z M 8.889 5.333 C 9.871 5.333 10.667 6.129 10.667 7.111 C 10.667 8.093 9.871 8.889 8.889 8.889 C 7.907 8.889 7.111 8.093 7.111 7.111 C 7.111 6.129 7.907 5.333 8.889 5.333 Z M 28.444 26.667 C 28.444 27.649 27.649 28.444 26.667 28.444 L 5.333 28.444 C 4.351 28.444 3.556 27.649 3.556 26.667 L 3.556 14.222 L 28.444 14.222 L 28.444 26.667 Z\"/>",
"search": "<path d=\"M 31.474 28.951 L 25.432 22.926 C 27.381 20.442 28.439 17.375 28.435 14.218 C 28.435 6.365 22.07 0 14.218 0 C 6.365 0 0 6.365 0 14.218 C 0 22.07 6.365 28.435 14.218 28.435 C 17.375 28.439 20.442 27.381 22.926 25.432 L 28.951 31.474 C 29.284 31.811 29.739 32 30.212 32 C 30.686 32 31.141 31.811 31.474 31.474 C 31.811 31.141 32 30.686 32 30.212 C 32 29.739 31.811 29.284 31.474 28.951 Z M 3.554 14.218 C 3.554 8.329 8.329 3.554 14.218 3.554 C 20.107 3.554 24.881 8.329 24.881 14.218 C 24.881 20.107 20.107 24.881 14.218 24.881 C 8.329 24.881 3.554 20.107 3.554 14.218 Z\"/>",
"everything": "<path d=\"M 14.705 32 C 14.537 32 14.369 31.97 14.211 31.913 C 13.582 31.682 13.191 31.052 13.265 30.385 L 14.385 20.073 L 5.818 20.073 C 5.28 20.074 4.785 19.777 4.532 19.302 C 4.279 18.826 4.309 18.25 4.611 17.804 L 16.087 0.64 C 16.461 0.088 17.162 -0.14 17.789 0.088 C 18.391 0.311 18.775 0.902 18.735 1.542 L 17.615 11.927 L 26.182 11.927 C 26.72 11.927 27.215 12.223 27.468 12.699 C 27.721 13.174 27.691 13.75 27.389 14.197 L 15.913 31.36 C 15.642 31.761 15.189 32.001 14.705 32 Z\"/>",
"online": "<path d=\"M 25.152 11.395 C 23.888 7.455 20.241 4.768 16.104 4.728 C 11.966 4.688 8.268 7.304 6.928 11.219 C -2.391 13.43 -2.18 26.859 8 27.219 L 8 27.219 C 8.112 27.218 24.117 27.34 24 27.219 L 24 27.219 C 33.855 26.578 34.488 13.324 25.152 11.395 Z\"/>"
- Commandline searcher: Search folder/files inside directory if parameter is a valid directory path
Recognizes Windows Explorer current location
We can search and execute file path, command within current folder.
2 new config options
That are alternative shortcuts of Run mode and Everything mode to trigger Explorer location-aware:
(default =shift+space
(default =alt+shift+f
Search file path recursively
By prefixing :
character in search term
Normal Run mode
Explorer location-aware Run mode
Beware, searching recursively in large folder or root directory might cause trouble since ueli won't show result or continue to work until it discovers all files in that folder. If you know exactly what you are searching for, use Everything mode instead. Else, uses this to search fuzzily.
- Removes range wildcard search (eg:
) - Treats
input term as invalid for calculator
Fixed CSS bug
Index number's color isn't applied correctly when search result is active
config option: whether ueli should fetch and display bitmap icon of application. -
Ctrl + Number
keyboard shortcut to execute one of first 10 results. Hold Ctrl to display their index number.
Continuous autocomplete: His Tab/Shift+Tab multiple times to rotate through possible prefixes. Modes and searchers are benefited from this feature:
- Spotify search in Online mode: prefixes like
... - Everything mode: filter marcos
- Spotify search in Online mode: prefixes like
Ctrl + ArrowUp/Down
to browse input history now also stores and changes mode.
Fix bugs
config option: now you can turn off features that aren't useful for you.
- Context menu could not open
- Crash when calculator result is undefined or null
- Background isn't blurry after reloading
- Variable searcher could not show result when user input has only one character