wAuto is the Windows automation module for nim based on winim and wNim. It contains support to simulate keystrokes and mouse movements, manipulate windows, processes, and registry. Some functions are inspired by AutoIt Script
With git on windows:
nimble install wAuto
Without git:
1. Download and unzip this moudle (by click "Clone or download" button).
2. Start a console, change current dir to the folder which include "wAuto.nimble" file.
(for example: C:\wAuto-master\wAuto-master>)
3. Run "nimble install"
import wAuto
# Open "Run" box
# Start notepad.exe
# Wait the window
let notepad = waitAny(window.className == "Notepad" and window.isActive)
# Send some words
send("Hello, world")
# Drag the mouse cursor to select
clickDrag(pos1=notepad.clientPosition(0, 0), pos2=notepad.clientPosition(200, 0))
# Copy it
# Paste 10 times slowly
opt("SendKeyDelay", 250)
send("^{v 10}")
# Terminates the process
Read license.txt for more details.
Copyright (c) Chen Kai-Hung, Ward. All rights reserved.
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)