This is my Own project making custom style Maps. the purpose is to show most popolar 🎪 entertainment places in London
I wanted to create and test for user to navigate to a list of option provided in the map.
I like geocanvas drawing specially in programming.
this project was bootstrapped with react. in addition it has other dependencies:
- react-map-gl can be found the documentation on
- also popular module in
- also used foursqaure API to get relevant information
- and mainly used mapbox to render the maps.
in this project i mainly used ES6 to implement the features however you can converted to ES5 and older just by going to Babel.js website.
bulit with: react component
live version you can get below link:
to run the app in you local machine:
- clone the project
- put you API key in util/infoAPI.js file where it says put your foursqare API
- put your Mapbox token in Map.js
- then run the application in terminal using:
cd <project-name>
npm install
npm start
also make sure pick your favorite browser.
to API used here
- mapbox API
- foursquare API
tests will be dsiplayed errors in your browser make sure you look at ther errors and got to the line number
to use this projects or getting some code snippets. you are allowed to do so. provided your own API key and token
if you think you can add additional features and add some functionality then do make pull request or we can discuss the problem your running. so we can overcome it collectively.
- udacity to make me a proper front end developer
- mapbox
- react component thinking
- uber documentation