Usage: ./aor2p input-file [options]
2.1.1. Arithmetic add
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b] + c
/ --add=<const>
2.1.2. Arithmetic sub
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b] - c
/ --sub=<const>
2.1.3. Arithmetic inverse sub
px[r,g,b] <= c - px[r,g,b]
/ --isub=<const>
2.1.4. Arithmetic mul
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b] * c
/ --mul=<const>
2.1.5. Arithmetic div
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b] / c
/ --div=<const>
2.1.7. Arithmetic inverse div
px[r,g,b] <= c / px[r,g,b]
/ --idiv=<const>
2.2.1. Add with saturation
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b] + c > PX_MAX ? PX_MAX : px[r,g,b] + c
/ --add-saturate=<const>
2.2.2. Sub with saturation
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b] - c < 0 ? 0 : px[r,g,b] - c
/ --sub-saturate=<const>
2.2.3. Inverse sub with saturation
px[r,g,b] <= c - px[r,g,b] < 0 ? 0 : c - px[r,g,b]
/ --isub-saturate=<const>
2.3.1. Pow
px[r,g,b] <= px[r,g,b]**c
/ --pow=<const>
2.3.2. Log
px[r,g,b] <= log2(px[r,g,b])
/ --log
2.3.3. Abs
px[r,g,b] <= abs(px[r,g,b])
2.3.4. Min
px[r,g,b] <= min(px[r,g,b], c)
2.3.5. Max
px[r,g,b] <= max(px[r,g,b], c)
2.4.1. Negative
px[r,g,b] <= PX_MAX - px[r,g,b]
/ --neg
2.4.2. Greyscale
px[r,g,b] <= 0.299 * px[r] + 0.587 * px[g] + 0.114 * px[b]
/ --greyscale
/ --kern=<file>
- no optimizations
- SIMD, no pipeline
- SIMD & pipeline, default
Time taken for a single operation on 1280x838 sample image, averaged over 10 tests.
Tested on:
- AMD Ryzen 3700U, 4 cores / 8 threads, 8GB RAM, Debian 11
- AMD Ryzen 2200G, 4 cores / 8 threads, 16GB RAM, Debian 12
- AMD Epyc 7R32, 16 cores / 32 threads, 64GB RAM, Debian 11 (AWS c5a.8xlarge instance)
op | t avg simd[ns] | t avg nosimd[ns] | relative |
add | 208,966 | 9,048,538 | 43.30x |
sub | 234,554 | 9,139,344 | 38.96x |
subi | 167,414 | 7,725,080 | 46.14x |
mul | 242,342 | 8,503,376 | 35.09x |
div | 527,300 | 15,933,050 | 30.22x |
divi | 560,900 | 13,873,760 | 24.73x |
adds | 198,910 | 8,159,120 | 41.02x |
subs | 187,672 | 8,236,660 | 43.89x |
subis | 177,922 | 6,982,600 | 39.25x |
pow | 244,310 | 59,400,760 | 243.14x |
log | 467,486 | 27,075,790 | 57.92x |
abs | 199,296 | 7,703,620 | 38.65x |
min | 204,034 | 6,366,710 | 31.20x |
max | 181,212 | 6,475,020 | 35.73x |
neg | 192,072 | 7,619,170 | 39.67x |
gs | 465,720 | 8,371,089 | 17.97x |
kern3x3 | 7,548,670 | 28,859,810 | 3.82x |
kern5x5 | 14,156,100 | 71,436,110 | 5.05x |
* Performance is heavily dependent on both hardware and OS. Results shown are best-case scenario. Running on other hardware and OS may yield slightly worse relative performance, but still much faster than naive implementation.
** Testing has show that there is no real benefit from running with more than 4 threads.
Belgrade, June 2023.