I have always been fascinated by how emulators are built. So, I finally decided to write my first emulator for the Chip-8 system. The Chip-8 is one of the simplest systems you can emulate, making it a perfect starting point for me to learn more about the world of emulation. I kept the code as straightforward as possible, using plain C and SDL2.
To help others get started with their own emulators, I plan to integrate a tutorial explaining the code in detail. Stay tuned!
This project emulates only the basic Chip-8 instructions. No extensions are implemented yet! As a reference to test the emulator, I used this Chip-8 Test Suite on GitHub. It includes a set of testing ROMs to verify if your emulator is functioning correctly.
- CHIP-8 splash screen ✔️
- IBM Logo ✔️
- Corax+ opcode test ✔️
- Flags test ✔️
- Quirks test ✔️
⚠️ - Keypad test ✔️
- Audio is not yet supported.
- The Quirks Test has some glitches.
- The Keyboard Test fails Halt test.