Access canteen and meal data from OpenMensa.
There's two types here, Canteen
and Meal
(and Meal.Price
for the sake of completeness), with static funcs to fetch some data.
// Get a single canteen if you know the ID.
Canteen.get(withID: 79) { result in
guard let canteen = result.success else { return }
// Get a list of canteens with known IDs.
Canteen.get(withIDs: [79, 80]) { result in
guard let canteens = result.success else { return }
// Find a list of canteens near a given coordinate. A search radius can also be specified.
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 51.0344374, longitude: 13.7279451)
Canteen.find(near: coordinate) { result in
guard let canteens = result.success else { return }
// Get a list of meals if you have a canteen on hand.
canteen.getMeals(forDay: Date()) { result in
guard let meals = result.success else { return }
// Get a list of meals for a canteen on a specific day.
Meal.get(forCanteen: 79, onDay: Date()) { result in
guard let meals = result.success else { return }
That's basically it. Got any questions, problems or ideas? Please don't hesitate to open an issue.
OpenMensaKit is available through Cocoapods, Carthage/Punic and Swift Package Manager, whatever floats your boat.
// Cocoapods
pod 'OpenMensaKit'
// Carthage
github "kiliankoe/OpenMensaKit"
// Swift Package Manager
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0)
Kilian Koeltzsch, @kiliankoe