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List Demo App

This is a demo "shopping-list"-App using a python Google App Engine Backend-API and an Angular 6 Frontend. Check it out here.

Getting started






  • a Google account with a firebase project: Documentation
  • Make sure to insert your project-id and other credentials here:
    • /list-demo/packages/list-demo-api/src/app.yaml
    • /list-demo/packages/list-demo-app/src/environments/environment.ts

If you want to deploy this project you also need:

  • firebase-tools
  • a Google account with a GAE and a firebase project set up: Documentation
  • Make sure to insert your firebase project-id here...
    • /list-demo/packages/list-demo-app/.firebaserc
  • ... and your Google Cloud project-id here:
    • /list-demo/packages/
  • Don't forget to set the production api-URL in:
    • /list-demo/packages/list-demo-app/src/environment/

*** NOTE: Your project-id can be the same for Google Cloud, Firebase Hosting & Firebase Authentication ***


Use yarn:

Install API and App dependencies.

yarn install


Install API and App dependencies individually.

In API-directory:

Create and enter a virtual Python environment using virtualenv:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
In App-directory:

Install dependencies using npm or yarn:

npm install



Run the application

Use yarn:

Start API and App with yarn using the devstart-script and pm2.

yarn start

Use pm2 stop [id | all], pm2 status, pm2 log [id] to manage the processes. For more commands check out the pm2-documentation.


Start API and App individually.

In API-directory:

Start the API-server app.yaml

The API will be served on http://localhost:8080.

In App-directory:

Start the Angular-App

ng serve

The App can be viewed on http://localhost:4200.

Deploy the application

Use yarn:

Deploy API to Google Cloud and the App to Firebase Hosting.

yarn deploy


Deploy API and App individually.

In API-directory:

Deploy the API

gcloud app deploy app.yaml -q --project [PROJECT_ID]

For further help checkout the Google Cloud Documentation.

In App-directory:

Deploy the Angular-App

firebase deploy

For further help checkout the Firebase Documentation.



  • decide which css framework should be used (material, bootstrap, primeng,...)? + implementation
  • text-service: get texts (button, headlines,...) from json-file
  • add content page (homepage)
  • refactor list-service
  • refactor project structure (packages-folder)
  • use yarn instead of npm??
  • deploy + deploy-script
  • add central error-handling
  • which database should be used (google cloud datastore, firebase,...)?: Google Cloud Datastore for now!
  • add ability to delete list-entries
  • show login/logout-button dynamically depending whether user is logged in or not
  • add email-login and sign-up
  • add github-login
  • redesign of login page
  • refactor auth service
  • auth-guard
  • bugfix: revert order of list in list-component
  • loading-indicator (spinner/ progress-bar) when navigating between routes
  • add alert, that says that this is just a demo and no sensitive/ important data should be stored there + no liability
  • delete in packages/list-demo-api --> not needed
  • add proper field + form validation (e.g. ValidationService)
  • error-messages for input-field-validation
  • add settings, where user can change name, password and email
  • when user-account gets deleted also delete his account + list + listentries in datastore (backend)
  • add settings for users that use social-sign-in
  • add error-handling (display errors in the ui like e.g. 'password wrong' probably by using toasts)
  • add session expired error notification
  • refactor api: use Flask HTTPAuth
  • use urlsafe() ids
  • add email-verification when new sign-up with email (front- and backend)
  • user should be able to delete account when e-mail is not verified yet

Not so important:

  • expand user-object in api (add name, surname, ...)
  • add ability to "star"/ pin a list entry
  • footer
  • make alert in list-view removeable
  • navigation: back- and forward-navigation (partly already exists)
  • 'greet' user with his name (Welcome back ..., here is your list:)
  • use structured property in user for list (API)
  • let session expire
  • rename angular-app
  • move errors-enum to enum-folder
  • Firebase Cloud Functions
  • set display name on email sign-in
  • same email different accounts allowed?


  • write tests + run them with yarn + test-coverage
  • add possibility to reset password when forgotten
  • change email
  • refactor api
  • refactor ui
  • refactor ui notifications


  • Success-Message update profile is not shown (missing Text)
  • Error 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential' is not caught