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To run app in the development mode:

npm start

To run tests:

npm test

To deploy on Github Pages:

npm run deploy


Menu is created basing on Material UI library. Navigation links depends on user login status. If user isn't authenticated then there isn't anything on navbar.

menu snipped


Projects are displayed in a form of list. There are two buttons for each project. First redirects to subpage with detailed information. Second deletes project. On the top of the page button to add new project is placed.

projects list snipped

Project form is displayed when adding new project or updating existing one. When adding, form is empty. When updating, form is filled with current data.

projects form snipped

Project card contains detailed informations about project. There are two buttons. First redirects to the list of projects. Second opens form to update project.

projects card snipped


Tasks are connected with project. There is section with tasks status, where it is possible to change task status by click on it. Also there is section with tasks, where we see all task for current project.

tasks snipped

Every task has two buttons:

  • add responsible person (after click there will be form for select person);
  • remove task.

task snipped

selectUser snipped

There is also possibility to add task by click on button below.

addTask snipped


Announcements are displayed in a form of list. Every announcement card contains information such title,content and type, for example: Important. Every card also contains delete button. Delete button remove announcement from base. On the top of the page there is button witch allows to add new announcement.

announcements list snipped

When filling in the form, there need to be provided the title and content. Also one of the three types need to be choose. Announcemnt is added by submit button. Click outside of its area of form cancel the operation.

announcement form snipped