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Webbox Fileshare

Webbox Fileshare is a Laravel 7.x app for uploading a set of files and generating a randomized, shared link to the files. It is kind of a web-dropbox. The app runs without any database.

Webbox preview

Table of contents

Main Features

  • Simple authentication via a security pin with possible honeypot protection
  • Uploading files via Vue.js and Dropzone.js
  • Generation of random storage links using MD5 hashes
  • Public shared file page with image preview, single file download and zip-download of all files
  • Fontawesome file icons for corresponding mime types on shared file pages
  • Scheduled storage cleanup routines
  • Configurable cleanup frequencies for storage links, e.g. storing for 1 month
  • Mail support to share the generated link
  • Localization (currently english and german)
  • No Database


  1. Clone or download repository
  2. Install composer packages (production optimized)
  3. Generate app key and storage link
  4. Change directory permissions
  5. Configure cron scheduling
  6. Configure .env file and webserver
  7. Optimize routes, config-cache, views

Download and store webbox-fileshare to /var/www/box

# Set public path

# Download from master
cd /tmp
wget -c -O -
mv laravel-webbox-fileshare-master $WEBPATH

# Basic configuration
cp .env.example .env
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
chown -R www-data public storage

# Cron scheduler
echo "# Run laravel webbox fileshare scheduler" > $CRONFILE
echo "SHELL=/bin/sh" >> $CRONFILE
echo "* * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php $WEBPATH/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1" >> $CRONFILE

Note: App configurations and optimizations are not included in the script above.

Test scheduler is called by cron

Normally adding a crontab file to /etc/cron.d/ should work without any problems, yet in some cases the system seems not to load the file properly. To test that the cronjob is called, simply add following line for testing purposes:


# Minutely log a timestamp into /tmp/webbox-test-cron.log
echo "* * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php $WEBPATH/artisan cron:test > /tmp/webbox-test-cron.log" >> $CRONFILE

The cronjob works as expected if the logfile /tmp/webbox-test-cron.log is created (after a minute) and contains a current local or UTC timestamp. In case the cronjob is not loaded, it might be helpful to move the cron command to /etc/crontab:


# Remove cronfile and move to crontab
echo "* * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php $WEBPATH/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1" >> $CRONTAB

# Testing crontab is working
echo "* * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php $WEBPATH/artisan cron:test > /tmp/webbox-test-cron.log" >> $CRONTAB

Configuration options

Most important configurations can be handled via the .env file, see .env.example. The main application configuration is stored within config/webbox.php.

Webbox .env configurations

.env option Description Default value
APP_LOCALE Localization to use. Short language code should be used, e.g. 'en' / 'de'. en
APP_AUTH_PIN General security pin passw0rd!
SESSION_LIFETIME Session lifetime in seconds. 1800
HONEYPOT_ENABLED Activate honeypot field on login screen true
HONEYPOT_FIELD Honeypot field name for form input. Should contain a known field name and some random chars. phone_number_4f3dx
MAX_FILESIZE_MB Maximum allowed file size in megabytes. Should match also php and webserver config. 256
FOOTER_TEXT App footer text to display in main application. No footer if text is empty. Can also contain HTML codes. © 2020 powered by KingStarter GbR
FOOTER_LINK a-href link used for footer-text

Additional webbox configurations

Beside the .env options, the selectable storage lifetime (select-field on upload page) can be configured within the config/webbox.php file. The storage_lifetime array has some predefined values that are all Carbon-compatible (simple strings for adding to time-values).

The default_lifetime config option should match one of the given storage_lifetime fields, e.g. 1 month.

Adding mail support

The upload page allows sending emails with the generated storage link. The send-email field on the modal will only appear if a mail driver is configured. Per default, the mail driver field is set to null for deactivating sending emails.

To add mail support, the mail configuration in the .env file needs to be filled. Simplest configuration would be using MAIL_MAILER=smtp as driver. For other possibilities, please refer to the laravel documentation.