This is a module to support Swagger within Play Framework controllers. It is based on the library with several improvements. This library uses Swagger Core 2.X and Play 2.8. It can be used for both Scala and Java based applications.
You can depend on pre-built libraries in maven central by adding the following dependency:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.kinoplan" %% "swagger-play" % "{version}"
Or you can build from source.
sbt publishLocal
There are just a couple steps to integrate your Play2 app with swagger.
1. Add the Swagger module to your application.conf
play.modules.enabled += "play.modules.swagger.SwaggerModule"
2. Add the resource listing to your routes file
GET /swagger.json controllers.ApiHelpController.getResources
3. Annotate your REST endpoints with Open API Annotations. This allows the Swagger framework to create the OpenAPI Specification automatically!
In your controller for, say your "pet" resource:
tags = Array("Pets"),
summary = "Find pet by Id",
description = "Returns a pet",
responses = Array(
new ApiResponse(
responseCode = "200",
description = "Pet",
content = Array(new Content(
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = new Schema(implementation = classOf[PetDTO]))
new ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Pet not found")
def getPetById(
required = true,
name = "id",
in = ParameterIn.PATH,
description = "ID of a pet",
schema = new Schema(implementation = classOf[Int], example = "45124")
id: Long
): Action[AnyContent] = auth.async { implicit request =>
What this does is the following:
Tells swagger that the methods in this controller should be described under the
path -
The Routes file tells swagger that this API listens to
Describes the operation as a
with the documentationFind pet by Id
with more detailed notesReturns a pet ....
Takes the param
, which is a datatypestring
and apath
param -
Returns error codes 400 and 404, with the messages provided
In the routes file, you then wire this api as follows:
GET /pet/:id controllers.PetApiController.getPetById(id)
This will "attach" the /api-docs/pet api to the swagger resource listing, and the method to the getPetById
method above
Please note that the minimum configuration needed to have a route/controller be exposed in swagger declaration is to have an Api
annotation at class level.
swagger.api.version (String) - version of API | default: "beta"
swagger.api.basepath (String) - base url | default: "" (string) - host | default: "localhost:9000" = {
contact = {
name: (String) - Name | default: empty,
url: (String) - Url | default: empty,
email: (String) - email | default: empty
description: (String) - Description | default: empty,
title: (String) - Title | default: empty,
termsOfService: (String) - Terms Of Service | default: empty,
license = {
name: (String) - Name | default: empty,
url: (String) - Url | default: empty
This plugin works by default if your application uses Runtime dependency injection.
Nevertheless, the plugin can be initialized using compile time dependency injection. For example, you can add the following to your class that extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext
// This needs to be eagerly instantiated because this sets global state for swagger
val swaggerPlugin = new SwaggerPluginImpl(environment, configuration)
lazy val apiHelpController = new ApiHelpController(controllerComponents, swaggerPlugin)
See for more details about how to contribute.
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Please disclose any security-related issues or vulnerabilities by emailing, instead of using the public issue tracker.