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Pull Request Review Guidelines

Anders Skarby edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 1 revision

NOTICE: This document is currently a draft!


This document should serve as a guide to reviewing Pull Requests, to improve quality and uniformity of code reviews.


  • Does the Component take @Input state, and does it expose @Output events (are they balanced, is there and @Output for each @Input and vice versa).
  • Does the naming of the various properties / events align with the those of other Components?
  • Is the styling (SCSS) using declarations, instead of "magic numbers", eg.: margin-left: size('...') vs. margin-left: 10px
  • (If .tns-version of Typescript Component source) can it be put into a single Component, with a "platform"-specific service instead
  • Is the Component (unit) tested
  • Is there an example of using the Component, in the cookbook? (for both Web, as well as {N})

Where to go from here

  • Have the Kirby Guild decide if this is "a good idea"
  • Create a Pull Request template for this (so there that the guidelines won't be forgot about)

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Other ways of doing things are not wrong - however a project of this size requires consistency in the way we cooperate to be manageable.

Ultimately it will help you save some time getting from a new issue to a merged PR.

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