Transfer Matrix Method implementation & database (2015-05-24) browser
Extended documentation can be found at
By default the RefractiveIndex module thinks that the database is installed in your home folder. If this is okay, the database can be used as follows:
catalog = RefractiveIndex()
mat = catalog.getMaterial('main', 'Si', 'Aspnes')
# wavelength in nanometers
n = mat.getRefractiveIndex(500))
n = mat.getExtinctionCoefficient(500))
If you want to have the database in a different folder, you just need to specify the path to the RefractiveIndex database:
catalog = RefractiveIndex("./path/to/folder/with/RefractiveIndex/database")
mat = catalog.getMaterial('main', 'Si', 'Aspnes')
n = mat.getRefractiveIndex(500)) # wavelength in nanometers
By default, the database is downloaded automatically on first use. If you do not want that, use RefractiveIndex(auto_download=False)
Examples of using the transferMatrix module can be found in
+-- _PyTMM
| +-- examples
- numpy
- scipy
- pyyaml
- matplotlib (for plotting)