released this
04 Nov 20:14
165 commits
to staging
since this release
3.3.0-rc.1 (2024-11-04)
🎉 New Features
- add mock data for achievement without completed tiers but with loan progress (98e05e8)
- connect badge data correctly to journey, resolve merge conflicts (3dc85ef)
- connect data to badge modal in-progress state (9818f1b)
- loan id prop in HeroBackground for pages besides borrower profile (b9531bd)
- method for displaying visible tiers and simplified active tier method (b102561)
- moving logic to onMounted and add condition to impact dashboard to show my kiva page (81e6488)
- my kiva earned badges section (#5631) (9f0a25a)
- my kiva earned badges section modal (#5639) (b488ff4)
- save if user was part of my kiva experiment in preferences (0c604c1)
- use description from achievement service in badge journey (67759e5)
- use FixedQueue for better performance in the vue worker pool (5db12f6)
- use new badge Contentful levelName in UI (51aa638)
- use new Contentful levelName for badges, updated journey to use it (97bfb98)
- use only visible tiers in badge section and journey (94b82f0)
- using totalProgressToAchiviement to evaluate if journey started (1975fed)
🐛 Bugfixes
- add loan use for borrower status cards (9edbec3)
- add safety around contentful fields for displayed tier name (26e9062)
- added missing comment (13eafb3)
- badge closed event wasn't required and closed event gets called twice by lightbox (e2aaadb)
- badge section to use correct challenge name prop (1bda16e)
- borrower carousel card full width in mobile (1d06362)
- center align stat text for mobile (d2674de)
- clicking badge should open journey modal initially (dbe94b9)
- clicking entire badge should open modal (170ebe9)
- contentful standard banner rendering (030e133)
- get new image for hero background when isoCode changes (953acf7)
- guest account flow store name in userAccount instead of lender (c1dac87)
- hide MyKiva content further down page as achievement data loads (ec3ec15)
- indentation (07262ac)
- lending stat item mobile styles (9be713e)
- may challenge should only be a header not the full view (94a0d89)
- method name misspelling (6b7fbfa)
- move back circle after other styling changes (93615ee)
- my kiva query indentation (6461f95)
- order badge journeys by order of default badges (b33a5b8)
- resolve issues with badge modal click analytics (9e63b57)
- resolve minor issues with earned modal (9d50c46)
- resolve missing bottom padding in desktop (08c1914)
- resolve new issue with journey arrows from longer level names and other changes (9bc6c41)
- simplify prop (972dcd4)
- small adjustment to circle position (74e0c3b)
- small adjustment to locked badge (df55520)
- solve comments (7d135c1)
- underline full word of "lives" (5fd906b)
- update kv-components with new lender profile map data (6afcf4c)
- use the active tier level in badges section (0f80f37)
- use the contentful level names in the badge journey (636d5f8)
🧹 Chores
- deps: upgrade piscina to v4.7.0 (cfd1e0e)