The gens tool produces golang structs from a given database for use in a .go file. It supports gorm tags and implements some usable methods.
Generated datatypes include support for nullable columns sql.NullX types or guregu null.X types and the expected basic built in go types.
$ go get -v
$ gen -c "root:@tcp({database}?parseTime=true" -o "./" -d nickel -p model --json --gorm --guregu
$ gen --help
Usage of gen:
gen --connstr "user:password@/dbname" --package pkgName --database databaseName --table tableName --output outputdir [--json] [--gorm] [--guregu]
-c, --connstr= database connection string
-d, --database= Database to for connection
-t, --table= Table to build struct from
-p, --package= name to set for package
-o, --output= name to set for package
--json Add json annotations (default)
--no-json Disable json annotations
--gorm Add gorm annotations (tags)
--guregu Add guregu null types
-h, --help Show usage message
go get -v
import ""
g := gen.NewGen()
genConnStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?parseTime=true", Username, Password, Endpoint, DBName)
genDatabase = DBName
dbCon := gen.DBConfig{
ConnStr: &genConnStr,
Database: &genDatabase,
Table: &genTable,
g.DB = dbCon
g.Package = &genPackage
g.OutPutPath = &genOutPut
g.IsJSON = &genJSON
g.IsGorm = &genGorm
g.IsGuregu = &genGuregu
package model
import (
var (
_ = time.Second
_ = sql.LevelDefault
_ = null.Bool{}
type User struct {
UserID string `gorm:"column:userId;primary_key;type:varchar(128)" json:"userId"`
Address null.String `gorm:"column:address;index;type:varchar(128)" json:"address"`
TelNumber null.String `gorm:"column:telNumber;index;type:varchar(128)" json:"telNumber"`
UserStatus null.String `gorm:"column:userStatus;index;type:enum('AVAILABLE','BLOCKED')" json:"userStatus"`
Email null.String `gorm:"column:email;type:varchar(128)" json:"email"`
CreateDate time.Time `gorm:"column:createDate;type:timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" json:"createDate"`
UpdateDate time.Time `gorm:"column:updateDate;type:timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" json:"updateDate"`
// TableName sets the insert table name for this struct type
func (u *User) TableName() string {
return "user"
Currently Supported
Currently only a limited number of datatypes are supported. Initial support includes:
- tinyint (sql.NullBool or null.Bool)
- int (sql.NullInt64 or null.Int)
- smallint (sql.NullInt64 or null.Int)
- mediumint (sql.NullInt64 or null.Int)
- bigint (sql.NullInt64 or null.Int)
- decimal (sql.NullFloat64 or null.Float)
- float (sql.NullFloat64 or null.Float)
- double (sql.NullFloat64 or null.Float)
- datetime (null.Time)
- time (null.Time)
- date (null.Time)
- timestamp (null.Time)
- var (sql.String or null.String)
- enum (sql.String or null.String)
- varchar (sql.String or null.String)
- longtext (sql.String or null.String)
- mediumtext (sql.String or null.String)
- text (sql.String or null.String)
- tinytext (sql.String or null.String)
- binary
- blob
- longblob
- mediumblob
- varbinary