Want your plugin added? Find me on the pwnagotchi discord or message me here on github.
Feel free to also submit a pull request adding any new repos I might of missed.
git clone --recurse-submodules git://github.com/kizeren/pwnagotchi-plugins.git
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1os8TRM3Pc9Tpkqzwu548QsDFHNXGuRBiRDYEsF3-w_A/edit#gid=0 -- VOrT3x
- pwnmothership
- aircrackonly buttonshim deauth gpio_shutdown hulk net-pos quickdic telegram viz webgpsmap apfaker christmas discord handshakes-dl onlinehashcrack screen_refresh twitter watchdog wigle auto_backup clock gpio_buttons hashie memtemp paw-gps switcher ups_lite webgpsmap wpa-sec
- Discohash
- Showerthoughts
- handshakes-dl-hashie hashie-hcxpcapngtool
- darkmode gps_error gps_fix gps_grid gps_live gps_sat rtc_grid tracker ups_lite_1_2 ups_lite_1_3 waveshare_v3_touch xp_grid xp
- fancygotchi pwnagotchi_LCD_colorized_darkmode crack_house_dev banthex clock crack_house fix_region memtemp pisugar3
- aircrackonly auto_backup buttonshim christmas clock gpio_shutdown handshakes-dl hashie mastodon pivoyager quickdic screen_refresh telegra twitter
- wardriver-pwnagotchi-plugin wof-pwnagotchi-plugin
- aircrackonly auto_backup buttonshim christmas clock discord display-password gpio_shutdown handshakes-dl hashie mastodon quickdic screen_refresh telegram twitter
- Experience-Plugin-Pwnagotchi
- memtemp_adv mqtt_plugin
- pwnagotchi-slack-plugin
- pwnagotchi-bookworm-pisugar2-plugin pwnagotchi-http-module
- f0xtr0t
- pwnagotchi-pisugar2-plugin
- event_multithreading_for_plugins gsmfake quick_rides_to_jail gps quickdic
- blemon_plugin clock display_settings enable_assoc enable_deauth fix_brcmf_plugin gps_more instattack miyagi more_uptime morse_code pwnaware rss_voice Touch_UI tweak_view
- gps-plus memtemp-plus
- achievements age agev2 auto_backup auto-hotspot away_base banthex-de banthex basiclight beaconify beacons better_onlinehashcrack better_quickdic birthday bitcoin blemon_plugin bluetoothsniffer buttonshim christmas clock counter crack_house-dev crack_house cuffs darkmode deauth discohash discord display-aircrack display-password display_settings display_version dropbox_ul educational-purposes-exclusively educational-purposes-only enable_assoc enable_deauth enterprise exp expv2 ext_wifi f0xtr0t fancygotchi fancyserver fancytools fix_brcmf_plugin gps_error gps_fix gps_grid gps_live gps_more gps-plus gps_sat handshaker handshakes-dl-hashie handshakes-dl hashbot hashespwnagotchi hashieclean hashie-hcxpcapngtool home_base hp+educational-purposes hulk instattack internet-connection IPDisplay lcdhatcontrols lcdhat memtemp_adv memtemp-plus miyagi more_uptime mycracked_pw nextcloud paw-gps phwn_hwm powerutils privacy-nightmare pwnaget pwnaware pwnmenucmd pwnmenu PwnZero quickdic quick_rides_to_jail rss_voice rtc_grid screen_refresh show_pwd sound terminal2 test_security themes timer Touch_UI tracker tweak_view viz voice_gamer wardrive watchdog wd_honey_Pot weather Weather wifi_adventures wpa-sec-list xp_grid xp
- aircrackonly clock internet-conection IPDisplay lcdhatcontrols pisugar3 terminal2 weather
- pwnagotchi-banthex-upload
- pwnagotchi-educational-purposes-only-plugin
- hashespwnagotchi
- better_apfaker better_onlinehashcrack better_quickdic mycracked_pw
- telegram tele tele_pi
##LegendEvent achievements
Fallout faces mod