Description A tool for car dealers where a dealer can enter extra add-on equipment, the prices of individual items and the profit margins respectively.
The program then calculates the total margins based on selected items - displaying to the car dealer potential wiggle room when agreeing on the price of the vehicle in total.
The application supports being able to tailor the extra add-ons available as well as adjusting the price and cost of every single item. The items and their details are stored locally on disc.
Technical description
- Java 1.8
- MVC architecture, GUI not finished but started in Java Swing.
- Storage as either .json/.xml with an editable config file.
App runs as executable .jar, storage on locally on file (no server will be available in domain).
Current status Storage and view not complete. Model and controller somewhat finalised, adjustments needed for storage on file. View in Java Swing framework started.