Simplify your life. Juice is a collection of Sass mixins/functions that are used to minimize the work needed to apply styling/properties to elements. Juice is not just a collection to help with cross browser support, so it is best paired with autoprefixer, for the best possible browser compatibility.
- Sass Version 3.3
- Breakpoints
- Show/Hide Element
- Single Side Border Radius
- Single Transform
- Box Emboss
- Letterpress
- Placeholder Color
- Sizing
- Hoverer
- Responsive
- Triangle
- Circle
- Square
- Position
- Image Preload
- Juice Prefixer
- Clearfix
- Hide Text
- Centerer
- Vertical Centerer
- Coverer
- Center Block
- Clean
- Tint
- Shade
- Strip Units
- Rem Calc
- Em Calc
- Random Color
- Reverse String
You can use either bower or just clone the github repo directly.
$ bower install juice
$ git clone
Just import the "_juice.scss" file into your main scss file:
@import "juice";
- Position (mixin)
- Single Side Border Radius (mixin)
- Triangle (mixin)
- Strip Units (function)
- Single Side Border Radius (mixin)
- Transforms (mixin)
- Fix box-emboss with prefixes issue
- Placeholders have been turned into argument-less mixins (helpers)
- New mixins - Image Preload, show/hide, juice prefixer, clean
- Global option (variable) to add cross browser prefixes
- Added a few extra breakpoint presets (mostly -only options)
- Fixed the breakpoint mixin so that the more complex queries actually work now
- Change the way mixins that take multiple values (trbl, size, etc..) are structured. (Make it so they don't require commas)
Copyright © Kyle Brumm. Juice is free to use on whatever and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.