Hive4go is a unofficial Golang API client for TheHive.
Based on
This is made based on my own needs, and might be missing some specific functionality. Create an issue if you want it to support missing functions.
go get
import ""
Set logindata, used for any interactive APIcall
verifyCert := false
login := thehive.CreateLogin("ip", "apikey", verifyCert)
Create case example
TLP, Severity := 3
flag := true
resp, err := login.CreateCase(
"hive4go title",
"hive4go desc",
[]thehive.CaseTask{{Title: "task"}},
This will return a case with the following structure.
type HiveCase struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Tlp int `json:"tlp"`
Severity int `json:"severity"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Tasks []CaseTask `json:"tasks"`
Flag bool `json:"flag"`
Raw []byte `json:"-"`
All return types (alerts, artifacts etc.) follow this type. If you want to handle it as raw json, use response.Raw.
- [Some finished] Write tests for functions
- Add more timestamps