Kyle Gaulton, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Fall Quarter 2019
SSH into your account on TSCC (ssh
Clone this repository into your home directory on TSCC, i.e.:
git clone
The goal of this exercise is to identify potential pathogenic variants from human exome sequencing.
The Exome data you will annotate is in the repository you cloned here:
Exome VCF: ~/BIOM200/data/hu82436A.vcf.gz
And you will annotate this exome using data on pathogenic variants from ClinVar:
ClinVar VCF: ~/BIOM200/data/clinvar_20190909.vcf.gz
Download VCFanno in order to functionally annotate variants
Either download executable directly:
wget -O vcfanno
Or install with conda:
conda install -c bioconda vcfanno
Make sure that you have permissions to run the program:
chmod +x vcfanno
Run VCFanno to annotate exome with ClinVar, and ExAC and 1000 Genomes allele frequencies, using config file 'biom_config.toml' (there might be several 'warnings' but should still produce the correct output). Make sure you are in your home directory when running this command
./vcfanno BIOM200/biom_config.toml BIOM200/data/hu82436A.vcf.gz > hu82436A.annot.vcf
This will add several columns to the INFO field of the VCF in the resulting annotated file 'hu82436A.annot.vcf', including: clinical_impact (benign, pathogenic, etc.), clinical_class (type of variant - snp, deletion, etc.), exac_allele_freq (allele frequency in ExAC), tgp_allele_freq (allele frequency in 1000 Genomes)
From this annotated VCF, extract all variants with clinical_impact=Pathogenic, and determine whether or not they are also present in ExAC or 1000 Genomes and what their allele frequencies are (if there is no 'exac_allele_freq' or 'tgp_allele_freq' info tag then it isn't in these databases)
- How many rare, likely pathogenic variants does this individual carry?
- What types of variants are they (i.e. what changes do they make to the protein)?
- What genes are they in, and what diseases do these variants cause?
The goal of this exercise is to take summary statistics from a GWAS of body-mass index (BMI), and identify genes and pathways enriched near significant BMI-associated loci.
BMI summary statistic data: /oasis/tscc/scratch/kgaulton/GIANT_BMI.tbl - copy into your home directory
cp /oasis/tscc/scratch/kgaulton/GIANT_BMI.tbl.gz ~
Unzip the file:
gunzip GIANT_BMI.tbl.gz
Download PLINK and BEDOPS:
tar -xvjf bedops_linux_x86_64-v2.4.36.tar.bz2
Use PLINK to extract genome-wide significant variants and run LD pruning to retain one 'index' variant per locus:
plink --bfile /oasis/tscc/scratch/kgaulton/hapmap_CEU --clump GIANT_BMI.tbl --clump-p1 .00000005 --clump-r2 .5 --out BMI_vars
Format the PLINK output file 'BMI_vars.clumped' to produce a sorted .bed file and redirect to output file 'BMI_vars.sort.bed':
awk -v OFS='\t' '{ print "chr"$1,$4,$4,$3 }' BMI_vars.clumped | head -n -2 | sort -k1,1 -k2,2g > BMI_vars.sort.bed
Find gene closest to each 'index' BMI variant in the 'BMI_vars.sort.bed' file and redirect to output file 'BMI_genes.txt':
closest-features --closest BMI_vars.sort.bed ~/BIOM200/data/GENCODE_V31.bed | awk '{ print $7 }' > BMI_genes.txt
Using this list of genes in 'BMI_genes.txt', run gene set enrichment analyses of Gene Ontology (GO) terms using GSEA: (you may have to register with your email)
- What pathways are enriched in genes near BMI-associated variants? What does this potentially tell us about the biology underlying obesity?
- Are there any specific genes near BMI-associated variants in these pathways with compelling biology and/or involvement in monogenic obesity?
- BONUS: What are the drawbacks to this approach to annotating genes at trait-associated loci? What would be a better way to annotating genes affected by variants at these loci?
- extract information from a file
- view beginning of a file (hit spacebar scroll through more)
- list contents of a directory