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Enumerate Process Modules

Kento Oki edited this page Oct 23, 2020 · 6 revisions

So the driver has a lots of commands that make us advantage.
In this case, we are able to enumerate modules that loaded in the target process by process id and a number which specifies we want to get.

I'll explain herewith below how I made it managed to work it with reverse engineering.
The implementation can be found at mhyprot.cpp#L343.

First of all, As you can see there is cmp ecx, 82054000h as I defined in mhyprot.hpp as MHYPROT_IOCTL_ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES.

And it calls:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C26D0(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
  __int64 v3; // rsi
  unsigned int v4; // ebx
  bool v5; // di
  unsigned int v7; // ebx
  PVOID Object; // [rsp+58h] [rbp+20h]

  v3 = a2;
  Object = 0i64;
  v4 = a3;
  v5 = (int)PsLookupProcessByProcessId(a1, &Object, a3) >= 0;
  if ( !Object )
    return 0i64;
  v7 = sub_FFFFF800188C27D4(Object, v3, v4);
  if ( Object )
    if ( v5 )
  return v7;

As you can see, the function checks is process 32-bit or 64-bit by PsGetProcessWow64Process() since PEB is different between 32 and 64-bit processes.
In this case, I only talk about for 64-bit process.

After that, the function attaches from kernel using KeStackAttachProcess. the second parameter is PKAPC_STATE.
Then, call PsGetProcessPeb and get the PEB belongs to the target process.

LDR_MODULE is undocumented structure.

typedef struct _LDR_MODULE {
  LIST_ENTRY              InLoadOrderModuleList;
  LIST_ENTRY              InMemoryOrderModuleList;
  LIST_ENTRY              InInitializationOrderModuleList;
  PVOID                   BaseAddress;
  PVOID                   EntryPoint;
  ULONG                   SizeOfImage;
  UNICODE_STRING          FullDllName;
  UNICODE_STRING          BaseDllName;
  ULONG                   Flags;
  SHORT                   LoadCount;
  SHORT                   TlsIndex;
  LIST_ENTRY              HashTableEntry;
  ULONG                   TimeDateStamp;

And the function pseudocode for sub_FFFFF800188C27D4 is like:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C27D4(
  __int64 a1,       // pEPROCESS
  __int64 a2,       // pointer to the buffer that sent from usermode
  unsigned int a3   // max count to get
  if ( !a1 )
    return 0i64;
  v9 = ((__int64 (*)(void))PsGetProcessWow64Process)() != 0;
  KeStackAttachProcess(v5, &v30);
  if ( !v9 ) // the process is 64-bit
    v17 = PsGetProcessPeb(v5); // Lookup PEB
    v18 = v17;
    if ( v17 )
      v19 = *(_QWORD *)(v17 + 24); // PEB->Ldr
      if ( v19 )
        for ( j = *(__int64 **)(v19 + 16);
              j != (__int64 *)(*(_QWORD *)(v18 + 24) + 16i64); // PEB->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink
              j = (__int64 *)*j )
          if ( v7 < v3 ) // if the counter less than a number what we want to get
            v21 = 928i64 * v7; // [IMPORTANT] we can see output structure is 0x3A0 alignment
            sub_FFFFF800188C7900(v21 + v4 + 12, 0i64, 256i64); // fill memory by 0 sizeof 0x100
            sub_FFFFF800188C7900(v21 + v4 + 268, 0i64, 520i64); // fill memory by 0 sizeof 0x208
            *(_QWORD *)(v21 + v4) = j[6];
            *(_DWORD *)(v21 + v4 + 8) = *((_DWORD *)j + 16);
            v22 = *((_WORD *)j + 44);
            v23 = 127i64;
            if ( v22 <= 0x7Fu )
              v23 = v22;
            sub_FFFFF800188C75C0(v21 + v4 + 12, j[12], v23); // copy BaseDllName to the buffer
            v24 = *((_WORD *)j + 36);
            v25 = v24;
            if ( v24 > 0x103u )
              v25 = 259i64;
            sub_FFFFF800188C75C0(v21 + v4 + 268, j[10], v25); // copy FullDllName to the buffer
            *(_QWORD *)(v21 + v4 + 792) = *((unsigned int *)j + 32);
            v3 = v32;
          ++v6; // counter
          ++v7; // counter
  } else { ... /* 32-bit PEB (Redacted) */ }
  KeUnstackDetachProcess(&v30); // detach
  return v6;

We got a much information from it as follows:

  • We can get BaseDllName and FullDllName using this ioctl command
  • What we need is only ProcessId and MaxCount
  • The output buffer will overrided in the request buffer
  • The output buffer also must have 0x3A0 size alignment per module

Now lets time to code, as we define structure for the payload:

(This is defined in mhyprot.hpp#L62 as well.)

	uint32_t process_id;
	uint32_t max_count;


if (uVar1_ControlCode == 0x82054000) {
	uVar6 = GetModuleListByProcessId_FUN_000126d0
		(*(uint *)puVar3_RequestContext, 				// process id
		(longlong)(uint *)((longlong)puVar3_RequestContext + 4), 	// out buffer, the output will be stored with overriding max count...
		*(uint *)((longlong)puVar3_RequestContext + 4) 			// max count
	iVar3 = (int)uVar6;
// mhyprot overrides first 4byte of the payload buffer to identify success or fail
*(int *)puVar3_RequestContext = iVar3;

What we need is:

    1. Allocate memory for payload and its result, 0x3A0 * MaxCount
    1. Send the payload with the ioctl code 0x82054000
    1. Check for the first 4byte

Call map:

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