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Enumerate Process Threads

Kento Oki edited this page Oct 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

The driver has a vulnerable ioctl that allows us to enumerate threads in specific process as ring-0 privilege.
it also make us able to read kernel structure PETHREAD because the ioctl result contains a pointer to it.
to read kernel memory, we are already able to do it through this vulnerable driver as well.

I'll explain how I made managed to work it with reverse engineering.

First of all, the driver has a function that executes ZwQuerySystemInformation.
Here is a block found on ioctl handler subroutine (is in the encryption-dedicated IOCTL handler function):

PAGE:FFFFF800188CD77E loc_FFFFF800188CD77E:                   ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188CD6E0+8C↑j
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD77E                 cmp     ecx, 83024000h
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD784                 jnz     short loc_FFFFF800188CD794
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD786                 lea     rcx, [rdi+4]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD78A                 mov     rdx, rdi
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD78D                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C62EC
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD792                 jmp     short loc_FFFFF800188CD7C1

sub_FFFFF800188C62EC is:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C62EC(__int64 a1, _DWORD *a2)
  __int64 result; // rax

  if ( *a2 == 136 ) // *a2 == 0x88
    result = sub_FFFFF800188C6488(a2[2], a1, a2[1]);
    result = 0xFFFFFFFFi64;
  return result;

We are seeing an if statement if ( *a2 == 136 ), 136 is 0x88, if the a2(given by context) is not 0x88, the driver will returns 0xFFFFFFFF.
I have no idea what is this validation is even I finished looking around it for a while...

Also sub_FFFFF800188C6488 is:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C6488(int a1, __int64 a2_OutBuffer, unsigned int a3_ProcessId)
  v3_OutBuffer = a2_OutBuffer;
  v4 = a1;
  v5 = a3_ProcessId;
  v6 = -1;
  RtlInitUnicodeString(&SystemRoutineName, L"ZwQuerySystemInformation");
  v7_pZwQuerySystemInformation = (int (__fastcall *)(__int64, __m128 *, _QWORD, SIZE_T *))MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&SystemRoutineName);
  v8_pZwQuerySystemInformation = v7_pZwQuerySystemInformation;
  if ( v7_pZwQuerySystemInformation )
    LODWORD(NumberOfBytes) = 0;
    if ( v7_pZwQuerySystemInformation(5i64, 0i64, 0i64, &NumberOfBytes) == -1073741820 )// SystemProcessInformation
      if ( (_DWORD)NumberOfBytes )
        v9 = (__m128 *)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, (unsigned int)NumberOfBytes);
        v10_ProcInfo = v9;
        if ( v9 )
          RKM_sub_FFFFF800188C7900(v9, 0, (unsigned int)NumberOfBytes);// fill the memory by 0
          if ( v8_pZwQuerySystemInformation(5i64, v10_ProcInfo, (unsigned int)NumberOfBytes, &NumberOfBytes) >= 0 )// SystemProcessInformation
            v11_ProcInfo = v10_ProcInfo;
            while ( (unsigned __int8)MmIsAddressValid(v11_ProcInfo) )
              if ( v11_ProcInfo[5].m128_i32[0] == v4 )
                v6 = HIDWORD(v11_ProcInfo->m128_u64[0]);
                if ( v6 <= v5 )                 // == ProcessId
                  v13 = 0i64;
                  if ( v6 )
                    v14 = v3_OutBuffer + 8;     // data offset per item
                    v15 = v11_ProcInfo + 19;
                      v16 = v15->m128_u64[0];
                      Object_PETHREAD = 0i64;
                      PsLookupThreadByThreadId(v16, &Object_PETHREAD);
                      v17_PETHREAD = Object_PETHREAD;
                      v18_PETHREAD = Object_PETHREAD;
                      *(_DWORD *)(v14 - 8) = v11_ProcInfo[5].m128_i32[0];
                      *(_DWORD *)(v14 - 4) = v16;
                      *(_QWORD *)v14 = v18_PETHREAD;// set a pointer to the this PETHREAD
                      *(_QWORD *)(v14 + 8) = GetThreadStartAddress_sub_FFFFF800188C68C8((__int64)v18_PETHREAD);// set thread start address
                      *(_QWORD *)(v14 + 16) = sub_FFFFF800188C687C((__int64)v17_PETHREAD);// this actually return PETHREAD+0x400
                      *(_DWORD *)(v14 + 24) = sub_FFFFF800188C67F4((__int64)v17_PETHREAD) != 0;// unknown, bool
                      if ( v17_PETHREAD )
                      v15 += 5;
                      v14 += 168i64;            // 0xA8 alignment
                    while ( v13 < HIDWORD(v11_ProcInfo->m128_u64[0]) ); SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION->Threads
              v12 = LODWORD(v11_ProcInfo->m128_u64[0]);
              if ( (_DWORD)v12 )
                v11_ProcInfo = (__m128 *)((char *)v11_ProcInfo + v12);
                if ( v11_ProcInfo )
            ExFreePoolWithTag(v10_ProcInfo, 0);
  return v6;

As the pseudocode says, subroutine does:

    1. Get the pointer to the ZwQuerySystemInformation by MmGetSystemRoutineAddress
    1. Call ZwQuerySystemInformation with SystemProcessInformation to get pool size what we have to allocate. (bad implementation)
    1. Allocate memory using ExAllocatePool with the size
    1. Call ZwQuerySystemInformation again to enumerate processes
    1. Enumerate for every single processes and making sure the address is valid by MmIsAddressValid
    • If the process id is match, call PsLookupThreadByThreadId to get PETHREAD by thread id, then write information into the payload buffer, every single threads.


  • The output data structure is 0xA8 alignment
  • We can get its thread's start address by sub_FFFFF800188C68C8
  • We can get its thread's PETHREAD address in the kernel

So I don't know what sub_FFFFF800188C687C and sub_FFFFF800188C67F4 does.
only one thing I know is that the first one references PETHREAD+0x400 as follows:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C687C(__int64 a1_PETHREAD)
  __int64 v1; // rbx
  __int64 v2_PETHREAD; // rdi
  __int64 *v4; // rdi

  v1 = 0i64;
  if ( !qword_FFFFF800188CA728 )
    return 0i64;
  if ( (unsigned __int8)MmIsAddressValid(a1_PETHREAD) == 1 )
    v4 = (__int64 *)(qword_FFFFF800188CA728 + v2_PETHREAD);// 1048i64 + v2_PETHREAD, winver depends
    if ( (unsigned __int8)MmIsAddressValid(v4) == 1 )
      v1 = *v4;
  return v1;

qword_FFFFF800188CA728 is an static variable which has a winver-depends offset for the struct member.
Confirmed by this subroutine:
As you can see the switch-case is winver.

bool __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C70CC(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
  char v4; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-128h]
  unsigned int v5; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-11Ch]
  __int64 v6; // [rsp+150h] [rbp+8h]

  switch ( dword_FFFFF800188CA748 )
    case 61:
      qword_FFFFF800188CA700 = 384i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA708 = 360i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA710 = 496i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA720 = 512i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA718 = 616i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA728 = 872i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 1048i64; // <-
      qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1104i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA740 = 736i64;
    case 62:
      qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 1008i64; // <-
      qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1068i64;
      goto LABEL_15;
    case 63:
      qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 1656i64; // <-
      qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1716i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA718 = 936i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA720 = 1032i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA710 = 1040i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA700 = 736i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA740 = 768i64;
    case 100:
      if ( v5 >= 0x4A61 )
        qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 0i64; // <-
        qword_FFFFF800188CA700 = 1088i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA710 = 1400i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA718 = 1304i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA720 = 1392i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA708 = 1128i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1296i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA740 = 912i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA710 = 1056i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA720 = 1048i64;
      if ( v5 >= 0x47BA )
        qword_FFFFF800188CA700 = 744i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA718 = 960i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA708 = 784i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 1696i64; // <-
        qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1760i64;
        goto LABEL_9;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA718 = 952i64;
      qword_FFFFF800188CA740 = 904i64;
      if ( v5 < 0x3AD7 )
        qword_FFFFF800188CA700 = 744i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 1672i64; // <-
        qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1728i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA700 = 736i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA708 = 776i64;
        qword_FFFFF800188CA730 = 1680i64; // <-
        qword_FFFFF800188CA738 = 1744i64;
  v6 = 0i64;
  PsLookupProcessByProcessId(4i64, &v6, a3);
  return sub_FFFFF800188C3D08(v6) == 4;

Call map


Confirmed by hooking mhyprot kernel module.
System-calls are properly called exactly same as the pseudocode:

Data is set by the driver, this is the memory view of payload buffer:

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