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Automake project files.
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kkm authored and kkm000 committed May 12, 2015
1 parent 5f2bfb7 commit 2a8b35e
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Showing 4 changed files with 201 additions and 24 deletions.
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions msbuild/base/kaldi-base.kwproj

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions msbuild/kaldi.props
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,11 +83,6 @@

<!-- Build depth.
On a build/rebuild taget, this determines the extent of the build:
Expand Down
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions msbuild/kaldi.targets
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,17 +84,16 @@

<Target Name="_RunTest" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Inputs="$(TargetPath)" Outputs="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).testlog" Condition=" '$(BuildStage)' == 'Binary' and '$(RunTest)' == 'true' ">
<Target Name="_RunTest" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Inputs="$(TargetPath)" Outputs="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).success" Condition=" '$(BuildStage)' == 'Binary' and '$(RunTest)' == 'true' ">
<Message Importance="high" Text="*** Running test: $(TargetPath)" />
<Delete TreatErrorsAsWarnings="true" Files="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).testlog"/>
<Exec Command="$(TargetPath) > $([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath('$(IntDir)$(TargetName).testlog')) 2>&amp;1" WorkingDirectory="$(_KaldiRootPath)" IgnoreStandardErrorWarningFormat="true"/>
<!-- If the test succeeds, mark as such -->
<Touch AlwaysCreate="true" Files="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).testlog"/>
<Delete TreatErrorsAsWarnings="true" Files="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).success"/>
<Exec Command="$(TargetPath) >nul 2>&amp;1" WorkingDirectory="$(_KaldiRootPath)" IgnoreStandardErrorWarningFormat="true"/>
<Touch AlwaysCreate="true" Files="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).success"/>

<Target Name="_CleanAfterTests" BeforeTargets="CoreClean" Condition=" '$(BuildStage)' == 'Binary' ">
<!-- Delete test log file. -->
<Delete TreatErrorsAsWarnings="true" Files="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).testlog"/>
<Delete TreatErrorsAsWarnings="true" Files="$(IntDir)$(TargetName).success"/>

<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" Condition=" '$(BuildStage)' != '' "/>
Expand Down
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions msbuild/makekwprojfiles.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
function Tokenize ($line) {
# The powershell -split operator returns array of one empty string when
# splitting an empty string. D-oh!
if ($line = $line.Trim()) {
$line -split "\s+"
} else {

function Unwrap-And-Decomment-Lines {
process {
if ($_.EndsWith('\')) {
$acc = $acc + $_.TrimEnd('\') + " "
} else {
echo (($acc + $_) -replace "\s*\#.*$","")
$acc = ""

function ProcessVardef ($line) {
( (Tokenize $line.Substring($line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim()) + $accum ) | select -Unique

function ProcessDependency ($line, $filter = @(), $accum = @{}) {
$xcolon = $line.IndexOf(':')
$left = Tokenize $line.Substring(0, $xcolon) | select -Unique | where { $filter -contains $_ }
$right = Tokenize $line.Substring($xcolon + 1) | select -Unique | where { $filter -contains $_ }
$left |% { $accum[$_] = ($accum[$_] + $right) | select -Unique }
return $accum

function ProcessMainMakefile {
begin {
$deps = @{}
process {
switch -regex ($_.Trim()) {
# Parse the SUBDIR string and handle only these subdirs and targets.
"^\s*SUBDIRS\s*\+?\=" {
$subdirs = ProcessVardef $_ $subdirs
# pick a build rule line and accumulate dependencies, filtered by what we only build.
"^\s*(?>\w+\s*)+\:\s*(?>\w+\s*)*$" {
$deps = ProcessDependency $_ $subdirs $deps
end {
# make sure we have included all subdirs into deps keys
$subdirs |% { $deps[$_] = $deps[$_] + @() }
return $deps

function BuildMainProject($data) {
$file = @( @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" DefaultTargets="Test" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Build">
<Target Name="Test">
<Target Name="build:_all_router_" DependsOnTargets="build:_all_" AfterTargets="Build;Test" />

<Target Name="build:_all_" DependsOnTargets="{0}" />
"@ -f (($data.Keys |% { "build:$_" }) -join ";")),

($data.Keys |% { @"
<Target Name="build:{0}" DependsOnTargets="{1}">
<MSBuild Targets="Build" Projects="{0}/kaldi-{0}.kwproj" Properties="KaldiBuildDepth=`$(KaldiBuildDepth)"/>
"@ -f $_, (($data[$_] |% { "build:$_" }) -join ";") }),

<Target Name="Clean">
<MSBuild Targets="Clean" Projects="{0}" BuildInParallel="true" />
"@ -f (($data.Keys |% { "$_/kaldi-$_.kwproj" }) -join ";")),

"</Project>" ) |% { $_ }

$file -join "`n`n"

function BuildSubMakefile($proj) {
begin {
$binsrc = @()
$libsrc = @()
$testsrc = @()
$libdeps = @()
process {
switch -regex ($_.Trim()) {
"^\s*OBJFILES\s*\+?\=" {
if ($cuda) {
$libsrc += ProcessVardef $_ |% { $_ -replace "\.o$",".cu" }
} else {
$libsrc += ProcessVardef $_ |% { $_ -replace "\.o$",".cc" }
"^\s*TESTFILES\s*\+?\=" {
$testsrc += ProcessVardef $_ |% { "$" }
"^\s*BINFILES\s*\+?\=" {
$binsrc += ProcessVardef $_ |% { "$" }
"^\s*ADDLIBS\s*\+?\=" {
$libdeps += ProcessVardef $_ |% { $_ -replace "\.a$","" }
"^\s*LIBNAME\s*\+?\=" {
$libname = ProcessVardef $_
if ($libname -ne "kaldi-$proj") {
write-error "In ../src/%proj/Makefile LIBNAME defines the name '$libname', but this script only supports regular name 'kaldi-$proj' matching the directory name."
"^ifeq.+\bCUDA\b.+\btrue\b" {
$cuda = $true
"^endif\b" {
$cuda = $false
end {
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
<Import Project="../kaldi.props"/>
if ($libsrc) {
echo (' <LibSource Include="{0}" />' -f ($libsrc -join ";"))
if ($binsrc) {
echo (' <BinSource Include="{0}" />' -f ($binsrc -join ";"))
if ($testsrc) {
echo (' <TestSource Include="{0}" />' -f ($testsrc -join ";"))
if ($libdeps) {
echo (' <DependsOnLibs Include="{0}" />' -f ($libdeps -join ";"))
echo ' </ItemGroup>
<Import Project="../kaldi.targets"/>

# Pull all projects from the main makefile. $allproj is a map : string -> string array
# with all projects on the left (keys) and dependencies on the right. The set of dependencies
# is closed in respect to the membership in the set of keys.
write-host "Parsing main src/Makefile..."
$allproj = Get-Content "../src/Makefile" | Unwrap-And-Decomment-Lines | ProcessMainMakefile

write-host "Crearting kaldi.kwproj..."
BuildMainProject $allproj | out-file "kaldi.kwproj" -encoding utf8

foreach ($proj in $allproj.Keys) {
write-host "Converting ../src/$proj/Makefile -> $proj/kaldi-$proj.kwproj"
mkdir -f $proj | out-null
Get-Content "../src/$proj/Makefile" | Unwrap-And-Decomment-Lines |
BuildSubMakefile $proj | out-file "$proj/kaldi-$proj.kwproj" -encoding utf8

write-host @"
Conversion done.
1. Modify kaldi.user.props to configure.
2. Build by running (from MSVC or SDK command prompt)
>msbuild -nologo -m -v:m
The default target is Test to build and test all libraries.
-t:Build only builds libraries and binaries, but does not build or run tests.
-t:Clean cleans everythig built.

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