####Table of Contents
The oracle_java module allows you to install the Oracle JRE or JDK of your choice from the official archives provided by Oracle.
##Module description
This module downloads the desired Java version from Oracle's website and installs it on the target system. On RPM-based distributions the RPM version will be used by default. On all other platforms a tar.gz archive will be retrieved and extracted. Multiple versions of Oracle Java can be installed on the same system using a defined type.
Java SE archives are available from the Oracle Java SE Downloads and Oracle Java Archive pages.
This module is suitable for pretty much any Linux system. It currently supports all released Java SE versions from JSE 7 on.
oracle_java will affect the following parts of your system:
- jre/jdk packages and/or archives
- java alternatives (and slaves)
Including the main class is enough to install the latest version of the Oracle JRE.
include oracle_java
####A couple of examples
Install a specific version of the JDK
class { 'oracle_java':
version => '7u45',
type => 'jdk'
Install multiple Java versions
class { 'oracle_java':
version => '8u45',
type => 'jdk'
} ->
oracle_java::installation { '7u65':
type => 'jdk'
Force installation from standard tar.gz archive, in a custom location
class { 'oracle_java':
format => 'tar.gz',
install_path => '/opt/java'
Disable checksum validation and add java alternative
class { 'oracle_java':
check_checksum => false,
add_alternative => true
Install from custom archive and URL
class { 'oracle_java':
custom_download_url => 'http://myrepo.com/jdk-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz',
custom_checksum => 'abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789'
###Classes and Defined Types
####Class: oracle_java
Primary class and entry point of the module. Installs Java in /usr/java
Parameters within oracle_java
Java version to install, formatted as 'major_version'u'minor_version' or simply 'major_version' for the latest available release in the selected Java SE series. Defaults to 8
Note: a minor version of '0' (for example 8u0
) matches the initial release of the selected Java SE series.
What envionment type to install. Valid values are jre
and jdk
. Defaults to jre
What format of installation archive to retrieve. Valid values are rpm
and tar.gz
. Default depends on the platform
Absolute root path where the Oracle Java archives are extracted. Requires format
set to tar.gz
. Defaults to /usr/java
Enable checksum validation on downloaded archives. Boolean value. Defaults to true
Add Oracle Java to the system alternatives on compatible platforms (Debian/RHEL/SuSE families). Boolean value. Defaults to false
environment variable to the /etc/environment
file. Boolean value. Defaults to false
Do not download the Oracle Java archive from Oracle servers, instead use an alternative URL. Must but the full URL to the archive file or RPM package
Custom MD5 checksum used to verify the archive integrity. Optional. Defaults to the checksum provided by Oracle
####Define: oracle_java::installation
Installs an extra version of Oracle Java in install_path
Parameters within oracle_java::installation
Namevar. See oracle_java::version
See oracle_java::check_checksum
See oracle_java::add_alternative
See oracle_java::custom_download_url
See oracle_java::custom_checksum
Prior to Java 8u20, two different releases of the same Java series could not cohabit on the same system when installed from RPM. Each new version would override the previous one. This does not happen with tar.gz archives.
The cookie manipulation used by this module to download installation packages directly from Oracle's page was found on Ivan Dyedov's Blog
Features request and contributions are always welcome!