This is an experiment, embedding the aframevr inspector inside an electron app.
Essentially attempting to create an IDE-like experience based on the inspector.
Work in progress.
Open one of the example scenes from
Open a scene located on the local file system
View > Open Aframe Inspector in the current scene
Things which I think are needed to make this into an editor:
It should be possible create new scenes using angle
It should be possible to save changes to scenes on the file system
It should be possible to use angle to add components, entities...
It should be possible to display and manage a list of available VR devices
It should be possible to edit the HTML/CSS source of a scene
The app should have a proper name and icon
Setup CI and CD to have packaged apps for macOS, Windows and Linux
Make sure you have node 7.6.0 installed.
- clone the repo
$ yarn
$ yarn start