Smart Doodle is an ethereum blockchain based poll application demo. The idea of smart doodle is to help newbees like me to understand how to build a dapp.
Smart Doodle is a backend-free, on blockchan, free-sql-storage, reactjs powered app, currently is running on the github page using Ethereum testnet.
You can install this app in you local environment:
git clone
cd smart_doodle
npm install
npm start
You can also test it online using our demo(You will need a ethereum browser like mist or chrome plugin metamask to get a lightwight ethereum client, otherwise you must run you ehtereum client locally using the port 8545):
- visit (demo running on the testnet ropsten)
This is just a very basic voting app with a bit of web ui.
Once you dapp is loaded in your browser you can perform 3 types of actions with following restrictions:
create a poll event
One user/account/address can only host 1 poll event in the sametime, the address of the poll event is the host account address
User can recreate event anytime he wants to, the previous poll event would be removed.
A poll event can have as maximun 10 options by now
search a poll event
- search a poll by introducing host address
vote on a poll
- User can vote a poll only once, and the poll history would be recorded
This project is based on following tech stack:
react-redux-material_ui-boilerplate: Helped me to get started quickly with these 3 tools above.
It is dead simple thanks to truffle,
truffle compile
truffle migrate(truffle migrate --reset)
Make sure you have your cliente node started before running these comands. In the development, testprc is recommended.
Solidity does not support to return a dynamic array o structure
you can not clear the whole mapping unless you know all the keys, in such usecase you should use an array to track things.
metamask injects the web3 object after the page is fully loaded, you need to avoid to perform any blockchain related operation until the web3 object is injected. In my case i had to force js loading after the html loaded completely.
<script type="text/javascript"> function downloadJSAtOnload() { var element = document.createElement("script"); element.src = "/smart_doodle/static/bundle.js"; document.body.appendChild(element); } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload); else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload; </script>
As pointed out in metamask documentation, all blockchain operations must be asynchronous with some exceptions. This can be troublesome for frontend newbee like me.
IMO Dapp is like a normal app with the particularity of having a shared database which is online always. Your operations in this app is asynchronous and expensive :D, but it is middleman-free!