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This projects creates Docker images containing Saxon.

The following commands may be used:

  • xslt - Triggering XSLT commands.
  • xquery - Triggering Xquery commands.
  • saxon - Used by xslt and xquery to trigger Saxon.


docker run --rm -i \
    -u $(id -u) \
    -v $(pwd):/src \
    klakegg/saxon \
    xslt -s:input.xml -xsl:transformer.xslt -o:output.xml

Please see the Saxon documentation for information about XSLT commands and XQuery commands.

Running Saxon with license

Owners of a Saxon license may use EE and PE images. The license file need to be made available inside the container to enable the licensed functionality.

Example of compiling XSLT file:

docker run --rm -i \
    -u $(id -u) \
    -v $(pwd):/src \
    -v $(pwd)/saxon-license.lic:/usr/share/java/saxon/saxon-license.lic \
    klakegg/saxon:ee \
    xslt-compile stylesheet.xslt JS stylesheet.js.sef