We can agree that it is a bit boring every time we make that picking of tools and downloads to prepare our MacOS with all tools that we love. Sometimes we spend the whole day doing that, right? But with this Ansible playbook, I can quickly set up my MacOS environment with my favorite tools and be happy.
To start just run:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/klaytonfaria/my-environment/HEAD/install.sh)"
After cloning the repository, go to the folder and run:
sh ./start.sh
vagrant up --provision
☕️ 🍪 This playbook spend 20-30 min in average... Let's drink a coffee and eat a cookie.
By Shell script: This script install Ansible and runs the playbook.
sh ./start.sh
By Ansible: (With Brew installed)
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts playbook.yml --verbose
This is the list of some of the main apps and modules that I use. But could be changed here.
Click to expand the list.
- vtop
- webpack
- chance-cli
- chance
- eslint
- commitizen
- gnomon
- lerna
- moro
- nodemon
- npm-check-updates
- spaceship-prompt
- typescript
- ack
- apktool
- bat
- ccat
- ctop
- cmatrix
- fzf
- git
- gti
- highlight
- jq
- node
- pidcat
- pngquant
- python3
- reattach-to-user-namespace
- tmux
- tokei
- translate-shell
- tree
- vim
- yarn
- yarn-completion
- zplug
- zsh
- zsh-completions
- 1password
- alfred
- caffeine
- discord
- docker
- figma
- flutter
- evernote
- fork
- grammarly
- google-chrome
- imageoptim
- insomnia
- iterm2
- jetbrains-toolbox
- miro
- nmap
- obsidian
- pocket-casts
- setapp
- skype
- slack
- spectacle
- spotify
- telegram
- ticktick
- visual-studio-code-insiders
- zoom