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Pierre Besson edited this page Aug 12, 2014 · 4 revisions

Application structure


Production structure

The bundled files

In order to be efficient on the browser, we have to seve:

  • One or two JS files
  • One css file (or two)
  • All the assets
  • Cache them on the client

Dev structure

In order to have a nice structure inside the project, a bundler is used. This bundler called brunch is built on the top of Node.js. The bundler role is to convert multiple files (whenever a file is modified) into a single one. The bundled files

Bundle process

The bundled process

Client side organization

directory meaning
application.js All the application initialization code
assets All application static ressources (images, fonts, favicon, ...)
lib Contains all application helpers, the application router(s), template helpers.
i18n All application text informations (label, messages, ...). Could contain multiple languages.
services Client side service layer. (Ajax or local loading)
views Contains all the views. Views in the backbone.js applications are more like controllers. They load their models using services and display the in their templates. Views are also responsible for handling user interactions with the page.
models Modelization inside views, match api data. Can have special methods (sort, toJSON, ...). Contains both models and collections
views/templates The templates of the views

A additional level can be added in each directory if the application is complex and have many pages.

Node.js (1/3)


Node.js (2/3)

  • module.exports and require
  • search local, then relative then globals

Node.js (3/3)



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