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Releases: klee-contrib/webpack-focus

webpack-focus 1.0.2

12 Dec 12:59
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What's new ?

  • Fixing 'something is already running on that port' message
  • Adding .ts and .tsx by default in typescript config
  • Fixing and improving README

webpack-focus 1.0.1

10 Nov 14:48
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Correcting typescript config (unnecessary sourceMap)

Webpack focus 1.0.0

07 Nov 16:38
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Breaking changes :

  • Due to use of babel-preset-focus, NODE_ENV should be at development, production or test
  • Due to use of babel-preset-focus, if you are using lodash 3.10.1, you may need to set LEGACY_LODASH to true
  • If your project in not in ES6 (import and export only), you can go in legacy mode by setting LEGACY_EXPORTS to true
  • If you are using the focus-devtools in your project, make sure the render is conditionnal in your layout (__DEV__ && <DevTools/>)

Features :

  • Adding error-overlay in dev server
  • Now hot reload can be used (project must be in ES6, see below)
  • If the env variable ANALYZE is set, you will be able to see what's in your build file (useful, to check for unused dependency, etc or understand the js file size)
  • CSS hot reload is now functioning
  • You can disable babel-polyfill by setting USE_POLYFILL to false (polyfill is added automatically to your application)
  • A configuration for Typescript has been done
  • Output files are now sorted between fonts, img and chunks folder
  • if DEV is not set, null-loader is used to remove focus-devtools
  • Updating dependencies
  • Adding polyfill for fetch (browser only)
  • USE_CACHE option to accelerate build (default to true)
  • PARALLEL_BUILD option to further accelerate build (default to false)

HOW TO - Hot reload:

The only thing to do to enable the hot reload is

  • to set HOT_RELOAD env variable to true
  • to modify your application like in the link (Step 3, 3c), without the need for import 'react-hot-loader/patch';

import React from 'react';
import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader';

import RootContainer from './containers/rootContainer';

const render = Component => {
      <Component />


if ( {'./containers/rootContainer', () => { render(RootContainer) });

Webpack focus 1.0.0-beta6

31 Oct 18:35
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Since beta5 :

  • Updating dependencies
  • Adding polyfill for fetch (browser only)
  • USE_CACHE option to accelerate build (default to true)
  • PARALLEL_BUILD option to further accelerate build (default to false)

Webpack focus 1.0.0-beta5

12 Oct 07:34
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Since beta 4:

  • Fix chunk naming
  • Restore hot reload using new env variable DEV_SERVER_SUBDOMAIN

Webpack focus 1.0.0-beta4

19 Sep 17:23
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Since beta3:

  • [BUGFIX] fix sourcemaps options (devtool in webpack)
  • Enhance cache-loader to take in account env variable that could change babel output (LEGACY_EXPORT, LEGACY_LODASH, HOT_RELOAD, BROWSERS)

Webpack focus 1.0.0-beta3

19 Sep 17:20
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Since beta2 :

  • [BUGFIX] fix errorOverlayMiddleware import

Webpack focus 1.0.0-beta2

12 Sep 08:43
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Since beta1:

  • [BUGFIX] focus-core should go through babel
  • if DEV is not set, null-loader is used to remove focus-devtools

Webpack focus 1.0.0-beta1

08 Sep 15:39
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Breaking changes :

  • Due to use of babel-preset-focus, NODE_ENV should be at development, production or test
  • Due to use of babel-preset-focus, if you are using lodash 3.10.1, you may need to set LEGACY_LODASH to true
  • If your project in not in ES6 (import and export only), you can go in legacy mode by setting LEGACY_EXPORTS to true
  • If you are using the focus-devtools in your project, make sure the render is conditionnal in your layout (__DEV__ && <DevTools/>)

Features :

  • Adding error-overlay in dev server
  • Now hot reload can be used (project must be in ES6, see below)
  • If the env variable ANALYZE is set, you will be able to see what's in your build file (useful, to check for unused dependency, etc or understand the js file size)
  • CSS hot reload is now functioning
  • You can disable babel-polyfill by setting USE_POLYFILL to false (polyfill is added automatically to your application)
  • A configuration for Typescript has been done
  • Output files are now sorted between fonts, img and chunks folder

HOW TO - Hot reload:

The only thing to do to enable the hot reload is

  • to setHOT_RELOAD env variable to true
  • to modify your application like in the link (Step 3, 3c), without the need for import 'react-hot-loader/patch';

import React from 'react';
import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader';

import RootContainer from './containers/rootContainer';

const render = Component => {
      <Component />


if ( {'./containers/rootContainer', () => { render(RootContainer) });

Webpack focus 0.13.0

24 Apr 13:44
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Please read the README to know how to use the lib.


@Hartorn and @JohnnP for your help and thank you everyone for your bugs' reports and issues in which we have discussed. It helped us to improve webpack-focus