Install SageMath:
- 8.2 version (released on 2018-05-05) is needed. (http://www.sagemath.org/)
Install ore_algebra: follow the instructions in http://www.kauers.de/software.html
go to 'code' folder.
run SageMath using the command line
- When SageMath is running, load the script. For example
- Instructions for codes and functions are available in 'D-finite-core.sage' file. Users can construct their examples and test them.
- go to 'code/examples' folder.
type the command line
~/Downloads/SageMath/sage expExample.sage
to execute the scripts
- or in 'code/examples' folder, run sage by the command line
When the sage is running, load the script. For example
- Scripts in 'code/examples' folder.
- err-2equations-comparison.sage : compare alpha theory, Krawczyk method based tests on the system with 2 error functions.(example in section 5.1)
- mixed-2equations.sage : computes gamma value using maximum value of a Bessel function and an error function.(example in section 5.2)
- expExample.sage : comparison between 'alphaCertified' on the system with an exponential function.(example in section 5.3)
- ellipseExp-alpha.sage : maximization problem with two ellipses certified by alpha theory (example in section 5.4)
- ellipseExp-Krawczyk.sage : maximization problem with two ellipses certified by Krawczyk method (example in section 5.4)