- 支持任意类型的通用顶点,例如
。 - 图的特征和相应的验证,例如在无环图中进行循环检查。
- 寻找路径或连通图的算法,例如最短路径或强连通图。
- 转换和表示的算法,例如传递闭包或拓扑排序。
- 非递归图遍历的算法,例如 DFS 或 BFS。
- 顶点和边可以包含可选的元数据,例如权重或自定义属性。
- 使用 DOT 语言和 Graphviz 进行图形可视化。
- 通过使用自己的
实现,可以集成任何存储后端。 - 包含广泛的测试,覆盖率约为 90%,且没有任何依赖项。
状态:由于 graph 版本处于 0.x 阶段,公共 API 不应被视为稳定的。
README 可能包含未发布的更改。请查看 latest documentation.
go get github.com/dominikbraun/graph
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash)
_ = g.AddVertex(1)
_ = g.AddVertex(2)
_ = g.AddVertex(3)
_ = g.AddVertex(4)
_ = g.AddVertex(5)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 4)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 3)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 4)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 5)
_ = g.AddEdge(3, 5)
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash, graph.Directed(), graph.Acyclic())
_ = g.AddVertex(1)
_ = g.AddVertex(2)
_ = g.AddVertex(3)
_ = g.AddVertex(4)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 3)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 3)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 4)
_ = g.AddEdge(3, 4)
要详细了解此示例,请参见 concept of hashes.
type City struct {
Name string
cityHash := func(c City) string {
return c.Name
g := graph.New(cityHash)
_ = g.AddVertex(london)
g := graph.New(cityHash, graph.Weighted())
_ = g.AddVertex(london)
_ = g.AddVertex(munich)
_ = g.AddVertex(paris)
_ = g.AddVertex(madrid)
_ = g.AddEdge("london", "munich", graph.EdgeWeight(3))
_ = g.AddEdge("london", "paris", graph.EdgeWeight(2))
_ = g.AddEdge("london", "madrid", graph.EdgeWeight(5))
_ = g.AddEdge("munich", "madrid", graph.EdgeWeight(6))
_ = g.AddEdge("munich", "paris", graph.EdgeWeight(2))
_ = g.AddEdge("paris", "madrid", graph.EdgeWeight(4))
这个示例按 DFS 顺序遍历并打印图中的所有顶点。
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash, graph.Directed())
_ = g.AddVertex(1)
_ = g.AddVertex(2)
_ = g.AddVertex(3)
_ = g.AddVertex(4)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 3)
_ = g.AddEdge(3, 4)
_ = graph.DFS(g, 1, func(value int) bool {
return false
1 3 4 2
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash)
// Add vertices and edges ...
scc, _ := graph.StronglyConnectedComponents(g)
[[1 2 5] [3 4 8] [6 7]]
g := graph.New(graph.StringHash, graph.Weighted())
// Add vertices and weighted edges ...
path, _ := graph.ShortestPath(g, "A", "B")
[A C E B]
g := graph.New(graph.StringHash, graph.Weighted())
// Add vertices and edges ...
mst, _ := graph.MinimumSpanningTree(g)
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash, graph.Directed(), graph.PreventCycles())
// Add vertices and edges ...
// For a deterministic topological ordering, use StableTopologicalSort.
order, _ := graph.TopologicalSort(g)
[1 2 3 4 5]
g := graph.New(graph.StringHash, graph.Directed(), graph.PreventCycles())
// Add vertices and edges ...
transitiveReduction, _ := graph.TransitiveReduction(g)
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash, graph.PreventCycles())
_ = g.AddVertex(1)
_ = g.AddVertex(2)
_ = g.AddVertex(3)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 3)
if err := g.AddEdge(2, 3); err != nil {
panic: 在 2 和 3 之间创建的边将会引入一个环
以下示例将为 g
生成一个 DOT 描述,并将其写入给定的文件中。
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash, graph.Directed())
_ = g.AddVertex(1)
_ = g.AddVertex(2)
_ = g.AddVertex(3)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 3)
file, _ := os.Create("./mygraph.gv")
_ = draw.DOT(g, file)
要使用 Graphviz 从创建的文件生成 SVG,请使用如下命令:
dot -Tsvg -O mygraph.gv
_ = draw.DOT(g, file, draw.GraphAttribute("label", "my-graph"))
package main
import (
func main() {
g := graph.New(graph.IntHash)
_ = g.AddVertex(1, graph.VertexAttribute("colorscheme", "blues3"), graph.VertexAttribute("style", "filled"), graph.VertexAttribute("color", "2"), graph.VertexAttribute("fillcolor", "1"))
_ = g.AddVertex(2, graph.VertexAttribute("colorscheme", "greens3"), graph.VertexAttribute("style", "filled"), graph.VertexAttribute("color", "2"), graph.VertexAttribute("fillcolor", "1"))
_ = g.AddVertex(3, graph.VertexAttribute("colorscheme", "purples3"), graph.VertexAttribute("style", "filled"), graph.VertexAttribute("color", "2"), graph.VertexAttribute("fillcolor", "1"))
_ = g.AddVertex(4, graph.VertexAttribute("colorscheme", "ylorbr3"), graph.VertexAttribute("style", "filled"), graph.VertexAttribute("color", "2"), graph.VertexAttribute("fillcolor", "1"))
_ = g.AddVertex(5, graph.VertexAttribute("colorscheme", "reds3"), graph.VertexAttribute("style", "filled"), graph.VertexAttribute("color", "2"), graph.VertexAttribute("fillcolor", "1"))
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2)
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 4)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 3)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 4)
_ = g.AddEdge(2, 5)
_ = g.AddEdge(3, 5)
file, _ := os.Create("./simple.gv")
_ = draw.DOT(g, file)
使用 neato 引擎进行可视化:
dot -Tsvg -Kneato -O simple.gv
这个例子使用Graphviz支持的 Brewer color scheme。
边可以具有一个或多个属性,用于存储元数据。在visualizing a graph 时将考虑这些属性。 例如,此边将呈现为红色:
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2, graph.EdgeAttribute("color", "red"))
要获取所有支持的属性的概述,请查看 DOT documentation.
The stored attributes can be retrieved by getting the edge and accessing the Properties.Attributes
可以通过获取边并访问 Properties.Attributes
edge, _ := g.Edge(1, 2)
color := edge.Properties.Attributes["color"]
还可以在边上存储任意类型属性数据,而不仅仅是键值字符串对。此数据类型为 any
_ = g.AddEdge(1, 2, graph.EdgeData(myData))
可以通过获取边并访问 Properties.Data
edge, _ := g.Edge(1, 2)
myData := edge.Properties.Data
可以使用 Graph.UpdateEdge
更新边属性。以下示例向边 (A,B) 添加了一个新的 color
属性,并将边权重设置为 10。
_ = g.UpdateEdge("A", "B", graph.EdgeAttribute("color", "red"), graph.EdgeWeight(10))
的方法签名和接受的函数选项与 Graph.AddEdge
顶点可能具有一个或多个属性,可用于存储元数据。在 visualizing a graph 时将考虑这些属性。 例如,此顶点将以红色渲染:
_ = g.AddVertex(1, graph.VertexAttribute("style", "filled"))
存储在顶点中的数据可以通过使用 VertexWithProperties
获取顶点,并访问 Attributes
vertex, properties, _ := g.VertexWithProperties(1)
style := properties.Attributes["style"]
要获取所有支持的属性的概述,请查看 DOT documentation.
可以通过实现 Store
g := graph.NewWithStore(graph.IntHash, myStore)
恰当实现 Store
接口,参考 documentation。
是一个可直接使用的 SQL 存储实现。
完整文档可在以下位置找到: pkg.go.dev.