Collect, organize and annotate sources from external digital collections and physical, non-digitized collections in user defined corpora.
Note: Dexter is work in progress. Please see the changelog for an overview of the latest features.
For more information, see Dexter
Table of contents
You can create new issues at Dexter/issues, with a template for bugs and one for features.
Checkout the development branch.
Start database:
VERSION=latest docker-compose up -d postgres
- Start backend:
cd backend
make build
export DEX_FLYWAY_LOCATIONS=['filesystem:db']
export DEX_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://
make run-server
- Start frontend:
cd frontend
npm i
npm start
# Add non-admin user:
curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8080/admin/users' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDpkMzNkMzM=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '["dexter"]'
Login with dexter:dexter
Next steps:
- Explore backend API
- Add languages as documented at PUT /languages
Run: npm test
Requires node 20 for fetch
graph TD
AU[action of user]
AR["🤖 action of rolodex"]
START --> LOGIN["login@rolodex"]
LOGIN --> HOME[view dashboard]
START --> SEARCH["search@AAMU website"]
SEARCH --> VIEWITEM[view specific source]
VIEWITEM --> COPYHANDLER[copy source handle]
COPYHANDLER --> ADDHANDLER[add handle to corpus source]
ADDHANDLER --> IMPORTHANDLER["🤖 import meta data"]
IMPORTHANDLER --> ADDMETADATA["🤖 add meta data to corpus source"]
ADDMETADATA --> VCI[/corpus source/]
%% corpus sources:
HOME --> CVC[create corpus]
CVC --> VC[/corpus/]
VC --> AVC[add corpus source]
%% tag:
HOME --> CTAG[create tag]
CTAG --> TAG[/tag/]
TAG --> ATAG[add tag]
HOME --> VIEWVC[view corpus]
VIEWVC --> SORTVC[sort/filter corpus sources]
SORTVC --> VIEWVCI[view corpus source]
VCI -.-> |"(must have, possibly after demo)"|ANN[annotate]
ANN --> ANNT[annotate text in recogito-js]
ANNT --> WANN[/web annotation/]