Proxmox LXC containers
2024.Feb.27 Kneutron v1 release
Proxmox LXC container for gotify notifications
See Notes in container, default extraction dir is wherever you restore your container backups, restore from backup
If you have no other storage, default dir is /var/lib/vz/dump - extract the 7zip files there - NOTE on proxmox the package required is " p7zip-full "
o Create a container named 99998 with whatever basic settings, exact template is no factor, password 12345, but do NOT start it
o In Container / Backup, point to the storage where you downloaded / extracted these files on the PMVE host ("dump" subdirectory) and Restore; basic container will be completely overwritten / replaced
2024.0227 Devuan 5 "Daedalus" amd64 ctr for gotify v2.4.0 notifications
1Gbit Static IP: // not using https -- TODO CHANGEME if already occupied on your LAN!
NOTE - login as admin on android phone app!
gotify is started from etc/rc.local and logs to /var/log/gotify.log
No log rotation is implemented by default! Restart container or run /etc/rc.local to reset log, can schedule in crontab
ext4 root is already ' tune2fs -m 1 ' optimized
screen, tmux, mc, ps, killall, top, iperf3 are installed for convenience
See /root/bin/boojum/ for example notification script (scp somewhere and run it outside the container after generating Applications token in the web Gotify dashboard and replacing the default one in the script)