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Keenan Nicholson edited this page Jan 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

Stratus AHRS is a standalone web interface that consists of a single folder. All that is needed to install it onto your Stratux enabled Raspberry Pi is to copy the contents of this repository to /var/www, as outlined below.

If you are unable to connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet, use the instructions below under Offline Install.

Internet Enabled Install (Easier)

  • Connect the Raspberry pi with Stratux on it to internet via the ethernet jack. Also connect your computer to the stratux wifi network that is created.
  • Login to the pi using ssh: (Password should be 'raspberry')
ssh -l pi
  • Refresh ethernet interface: (Password should be 'raspberry')
sudo ifdown eth0
sudo ifup eth0
  • CD and make the proper directory:
cd /var/www/
  • Clone this repository:
sudo git clone ahrs

If you get a warning about server verification failure, check the time setting:

date -R

If it is incorrect, set using the following and try to clone again:

sudo date -s "Jun 24 2018 13:20:12" # <Replace with the new date/time (to the second)>

Alternatively, if setting the time does not work, clone using this command to disable SSL verification (as a last resort!):

sudo git -c http.sslVerify=false clone ahrs
  • Check that the files have been added to the ahrs folder:
ls ahrs
  • Shutdown pi:
sudo shutdown –h now

That's it! You're all set up

Offline Install

If for some reason, you are unable to connect your Raspberry Pi to an ethernet connection, follow these install instructions instead. You will need to download this repository on a laptop and transfer it to the Raspberry Pi instead

  • On a laptop connected to the internet, download this repository as a zip (and unpack the zip) or clone using git

  • Connect the laptop to the Stratux wifi network and visit the Stratux Status Page to check the connection.

  • Transfer the entire repository folder to the Raspberry Pi under /var/www. When completed, the /var/www/ahrs folder on the Raspberry Pi should contain the files in this repository (including index.html) directly. A few methods of transforming the folder are given below:

    • FileZilla (requires download)
    • WinSCP (Windows only, requires download)
    • SFTP Command (Linux and MacOX only, more difficult but no download required)

Regardless of the transfer method chosen, the following configuration data will be useful:

Raspberry Pi User: pi
Raspberry Pi Password (default): raspberry
Remote Host Address: raspberrypi.local OR
Remote Path: /var/www/ahrs

Warning! Do not overwrite the contents of /var/www with the contents of this repository! Doing so will overwrite important Stratux files. The files in this repository should be placed in /var/www/ahrs.

When the transfer is complete, ensure that the contents of this repository are in /var/www/ahrs directly. They should not be nested further (IE. /var/www/ahrs/ahrs/index.html ... would be incorrect).

  • Install pi back in aircraft!
  • Visit or raspberrypi.local/ahrs on your iPhone in Safari when connected to stratux wifi.
  • Save an icon to the home screen.

That's it! You're all set up

Clone this wiki locally