This repo contains a collection of files with quotes we like.
These files can be turned into fortune
database files.
Inspired by Hamlet D'Arcy and Dale Manthei to create this repository.
I know this is a tiny repository but people use it (high 5 to all of us) - if you happen to use this projectm, please click the star button (at the top of the page) - it means a lot to all the contributors.
Fortune is a simple Unix program that displays a random message from a database of quotations.
$ fortune
"What we see is mainly what we look for."
fortune package. If your computer has already installed it, skip this step.
# Mac
$ brew install fortune
# Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install fortune
Clone the repo.
$ git clone
Then build the data files.
$ make
$ fortune [OPTIONS] [/path/to/fortunes/src]
Depending on which shell you use, at the end of your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
file, copy the following lines into it.
fortune [OPTIONS] [/path/to/fortunes/src/]
So, that's a little boring. Snaz it up a little bit by adding CowSay
# Mac
$ brew install cowsay
# Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install cowsay
# Node version of cowsay
$ npm install -g cowsay
fortune [OPTIONS] [/path/to/fortunes/src/] | cowsay
# Now you get
/ The only thing necessary for the \
| triumph of evil is for good men to do |
\ nothing. - Edmund Burke /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker is released under the MIT license and is copyright 2015 Knight Rider Consulting, Inc.. Boiled down to smaller chunks, it can be described with the following conditions.
- Keep the license and copyright notice included in files when you use them in your works
- Freely download and use the source code, in whole or in part, for personal, private, company internal, or commercial purposes
- Use this source code in packages or distributions that you create
- Modify the source code
- Grant a sublicense to modify and distribute source code to third parties not included in the license
- Hold the authors and license owners liable for damages as this source code is provided without warranty
- Hold the creators or copyright holders of this source code liable
- Redistribute any piece of source code without proper attribution
- Use any marks owned by Knight Rider Consulting, Inc. in any way that might state or imply that Knight Rider Consulting, Inc. endorses your distribution
- Use any marks owned by Knight Rider Consulting, Inc. in any way that might state or imply that you created the Knight Rider Consulting, Inc. software in question
- Include the source code itself, or of any modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble that includes it
- Submit changes that you make to the source code back to this repository (though such feedback is encouraged)
The full license is located in the project repository for more information.