Mobile: 206-383-6445 • Email:
- Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, C/C++, Go (Golang)
- Web Languages: Html, CSS, Javascript, jQuery
- Database: MySql, SQLite, SQL, Redis
- Operating Systems: OSX, UNIX, Linux
- Software(ide): Atom, Eclipse, Terminal, Github, PyCharm, IntelliJ, MySQLWorkbench
- Choose Your Politics -
Acted as a lead engineer to create a backend application using Python, Django, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Named Entity Recognition (NER), Multi-threading, Web scraping, and MySQL that provided a reliable, unbiased, social relational ranked political feed to encourage readers to become knowledgeable and informed voters on the state political level. Created an easy-to-navigate front end in HTML, CSS, and Javascript to allow an untrained user to easily discover and drill down material relevant to their topic of interest. Leveraged agile methodologies to organize a group of 4 developers into a focused team that readily assimilated feedback from the customer in a continuous fashion to implement a schedule to deliver software release deadlines.
- SnowSign LED -
Designed, developed, and built an LED matrix display that extracts data from ski resorts, avalanche, and weather forecasting sites with python to display current conditions and data for any selected ski resort and the backcountry that surrounds it. Utilizes C++ and a Raspberry Pi to control and operate a 16x128 LED matrix, storing data in a local MySql database for use offline and data analysis.
Acted as lead developer responsible for the creation and implementation of F1 GO, a live telemetry dashboard that stores, and analyzes telemetry for F1. Overcame the hurdles of working with a language that was not suited for the projects needs. Initially built with python then ported to Go (Golang) to continue development. Harnessed my continue desire to learn and innovate to become efficient in solving and creating software solutions in Go (Golang) with no previous experience or knowledge of the language.
- Co-creator and Lead Developer, Crocotelemetry, Seattle, Washington, August 2018 - Present
Established to create software and solve complex problems pertaining to telemetry and visualization tools.
- Intern, Alpha Drone Services, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2017 - August 2017
Worked closely with management to research and develop new features to manipulate LAS files in C/C++, the industry-standard binary format for storing lidar point cloud data produced by drone surveying.
- Math Tutor, Salt Lake City, UT, August 2014 - May 2017
Math tutor for High School Students at East High, High School