Releases: knime-mpicbg/knime-scripting
Releases · knime-mpicbg/knime-scripting
Version 4.3.0 for KNIME 4.6 / 4.7
- update to Java17
- replace xstream library with a new version due to failing dependency check
- fix class loading issues for RGG
- R nodes will not end up with failed transfer for tables with a single column of unsupported data type. Instead an empty table will be transfered
- #109: KNIME Analytics Platform prompts for proxy user and password on startup
- Python nodes version 2 with a lot of changes anf features
Version 4.2.0 for KNIME 4.5
- Upgrade to Java 11 and Eclipse 2021-03
- Update to poi 3.17
Version 3.3.0 for KNIME 3.7
- Template files will be cached locally to allow offline usage
- Nodes using R will use Rserve library 1.8-6 to avoid communication problems with R 3.5+
Version 3.1.1 for KNIME 3.5/3.6
- externalize libraries to avoid conflicts
- #95: Matlab Snippet: Output argument not assigned during call to ...
- #91: Cannot import data to matlab
- #84: Adding templates in the preferences fails silently when rgg syntax error
- #82: update to java 8
- #81: Support the Matlab type table in snippets
- #63: Matlab jmi ClassLoader problem
- #64: Groovy scripts wont compile due to broken import statements
Version 3.1.0 for KNIME 3.1
- R integration restructured and transfer from/to R improved
R nodes now can
- transfer data in chunks (for big tables)
- transfer KNIME color/size/shape model
- transfer rowIDs
- directly 'open external'
- transfer domain values
- transfer flow variables
- handles empty tables correctly
- supports double, int, long, boolean and string and ommits other column types
- fixes #67: Rserve process hangs under Windows after R-Plot node failure
- fixes #35: RGG line break bug after Edit Template
- fix: OpenInPython does not work under Windows (no window opens after execution)
- Use new Rserve version 1.7 #42
- Include Open in R funcionality into R plot node and R snippet node #4
- Generic plot node should get image outport #66
- Stop support of old R variable names #54
- transfer R workspace with generic nodes #47
- Support domain values from KNIME as levels in R #43
- row ids should be used as row names in R-data.frame #9
- Generic R nodes (new versions)
R port now acts as workspace transfer
Version 3.1.0 for KNIME 3.0
- R integration restructured and transfer from/to R improved
R nodes now can
- transfer data in chunks (for big tables)
- transfer KNIME color/size/shape model
- transfer rowIDs
- directly 'open external'
- transfer domain values
- transfer flow variables
- handles empty tables correctly
- supports double, int, long, boolean and string and ommits other column types
- fixes #67: Rserve process hangs under Windows after R-Plot node failure
- fixes #35: RGG line break bug after Edit Template
- fix: OpenInPython does not work under Windows (no window opens after execution)
- Use new Rserve version 1.7 #42
- Include Open in R funcionality into R plot node and R snippet node #4
- Generic plot node should get image outport #66
- Stop support of old R variable names #54
- transfer R workspace with generic nodes #47
- Support domain values from KNIME as levels in R #43
- row ids should be used as row names in R-data.frame #9
- Generic R nodes (new versions)
R port now acts as workspace transfer
Version 2.0.4 for KNIME 2.11
- fixes #59: template configuration dialog has too much empty space
- fixes NullPointer-Exception when executing a matlab node.
- Simplifying the Matlab controller (only to work on the local machine)
- undo row names support as pushing row names like this suffers from an RServe-bug
- closes issue #42: Use new Rserve version 1.7
- changed R icons and fixed node types in xml and added icon for splash screen
Version 2.0.4 for KNIME 2.10
- fixes #59: template configuration dialog has too much empty space
- fixes NullPointer-Exception when executing a matlab node.
- Simplifying the Matlab controller (only to work on the local machine)
- undo row names support as pushing row names like this suffers from an RServe-bug
- closes issue #42: Use new Rserve version 1.7
- changed R icons and fixed node types in xml and added icon for splash screen
Version 2.0.3 for KNIME 2.10
New features
The scripting integration needs a MATLAB installed on the local machine. But no more middle-ware (server) is needed. The MATLAB nodes can control MATLAB remotely and start an instance if needed.
#27 The MATLAB type can be configured in the preference dialog
#26 Multiple nodes can execute simultaneously on one or more MATLAB instances
Version 2.0.2 for KNIME 2.11
- closes #49: remove output tab from snippet node (main changes in AbstractTableScriptingNodeModel)
- part of #55: integer columns are transfered as float to allow missing values
- some changes for better NaN/missing value handling with python snippet node (not yet finished)
- fixes #56: Python plot fails under windows
- fixes #53: check if plot was generated and give error message
- fixes #50: fix R port of generic nodes, return structure of objects transfered via RPort
- fixes #7: RPlot - Null Pointer Exception if plot node contains a nonvalid output path
- closes #10: Plot Overwrite - Warning instead of Error
- fixes #5: Generic OpenInR - pushes rOut instead of kIn
- R-scripting - improve error message if plot file path is invalid (was: reporting Null-Pointer exception)
- enables R-nodes to push row-names for table inputs