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knivey/cmdr is command router designed for use on chatbots.


  • PHP >= 8.2


  • Arguments parsed/validated and easily accessed according to a syntax defined for command
  • Uses function attributes to register functions for commands
  • Can set up a wrapper function with CallWrap attribute (helpful for using something like \Amp\asyncCall)


composer require knivey/cmdr

Documentation & Examples

Set up the command router object and find commands

use knivey\cmdr;
$router = new cmdr\Cmdr();

//All command functions will have Request as the last argument
//command names must not contain a # or space
#[cmdr\attributes\Cmd("example", "altname")] //define as many cmds for this function as you want
#[cmdr\attributes\PrivCmd("example", "altname")] //private message command
#[cmdr\attributes\Syntax("<required> [optional]")]
#[cmdr\attributes\Options("--option", "--anotheroption")] //Options will have No description
#[cmdr\attributes\Option("--optionb", "description of option")]
#[cmdr\attributes\Option("--optionc", "description of option")]
#[cmdr\attributes\Desc("description of cmd")]
function exampleFunc($additonal, $arguments, cmdr\Args $request) {
    echo $request->args["required"];
        echo $request->args["optional"];
        echo "--option was used";

#[cmdr\attributes\Desc("Second example command")]
#[cmdr\attributes\Syntax("[args]...")] //the ... means it will eat the rest of the arguments "blah blah etc.."
#[cmdr\attributes\Option("--option", "enable some option")]
function exampleFunc2($additonal, $arguments, cmdr\Args $request) {
    // example2 blah blah --option=value
    // example2 blah --option=value blah (args will just have "blah blah")
    // if just --option then its val is true
    if($val = $request->getOpt('--option')) {
        echo "--option was set to $val";

#[cmdr\attributes\Desc("Command for private message example command")]
function exampleFunc2($additonal, $arguments, cmdr\Args $request) {

//Do this AFTER all functions you want to load are defined
//If you have objects you use

// This will return what the command function returns
// Exceptions will be thrown if the args given don't pass the syntax
// Exception also thrown if the command doesn't exist
$router->call('example', 'arguments given to cmd', "additional", "arguments");

//simple example of a fictional IRC chatbot using triggers (!cmd)
function handleMsg(IRCuser $user, string $target, string $text) {
    global $router;
    if(isChan($target)) {
        $trigger = "!";
        if(substr($text, 0, 1) != $trigger)
        $text = substr($text, 1);
    $text = explode(' ', $text);
    $cmd = array_shift($text);
    $text = implode(' ', $text);
    if(isChan($target)) {
        if($router->cmdExists($cmd)) {
            try {
                return $router->call($cmd, $text, $user);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                //Exception may be bad arguments etc..., tell the user
                notice($nick, $e->getMessage());
    } else {
        if($router->cmdExistsPriv($cmd)) {
            try {
                return $router->callPriv($cmd, $text, $user);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                notice($nick, $e->getMessage());

Note that command names cannot contain a # or a space in them.

To load public methods from a class object use loadMethods($obj)

Argument Syntax Rules

  • <arg> is a required arg
  • <arg>... required multiword arg, must be last in list
  • [arg] is an optional arg, all optionals must be at the end and no multiword arguments preceed them
  • [arg]... optional multiword arg, must be last in list
  • The arg name must not contain []<>


use knivey\cmdr;

//The callable for the cmd function is given to wrapper
function example(cmdr\Request $request) {

//You can give additional arguments to the wrapper
//pre is before the callable post is after
#[cmdr\attributes\CallWrap("someWrapperFunc", preArgs: [1,2,3], postArgs: ['stuff'])]
function example2(cmdr\Request $request) {

function someWrapperFunc($one, $two, $three, callable $func, $stuff, cmdr\Args $request) {
    return $func($request);

Argument validators (WIP)

You can specify some simple validations in the argument DSL.

Validators can also filter/normalize inputs, for example bool can take "yes" and set that as true.


<arg_name: validation_type validator_arg=value validator_arg2=value>
  • Arguments can only have one validation applied to them.
  • The Validate class provides some default validators and custom validators can be registsered.
  • Validator args must not have spaces, <arg: int min = 0> would be an error.
  • Validator/filter args should not be named val, that'n conventionally used as the first function argument.

Built in validators

uint, int, number

These all do what you would expect, check for types of numeric values.

They take two optional arguments min and max.

They will cast to the appropriate PHP type, for int or uint that is int numeric could be int or float.


<id: uint>
<width: uint max=120 min=20>


Can take "yes", "on", "true", "no", "off", "false" and returns a PHP bool


This one lets you limit the argument to a few choices. To use an optional you only need to put options in parentheses with a | to separate choices.


<subcmd: (add|del|list)>
<subcmd: (add | del | list)> functions the same as above

Custom validators and filters

You can set your own custom validators:

Validate::setValidator("even", function(string $val) {
    if (!Validate::int($val))
        return false;
    return $val%2==0;
<arg: even>

You can set filters, these are what normalize values for you.

Validate::setValidator("upper", fn ($val) => true);
Validate::setFilter("upper", function($val, $moo=false) {
    if($moo) return strtoupper($val);
    return $val;
<arg: upper moo>
<arg: upper>
<arg: upper bar> //invalid, validator arguments must match function argument names