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Releases: kobbled/rossum

Rossum 0.5.5 convenience distribution

23 Nov 05:06
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This is a convenience distribution for Rossum

Tools included

  • rossum v0.5.5 (Apache 2)
  • ktransw v0.5 (Apache 2)
  • ninja v1.11.1 (Apache 2)
  • yamljson2xml (MIT)
  • gpp v2.27 (GNU LESSER)


  • Fanuc Roboguide, or OLPCPro
  • Python (optional)
  • Visual C++ Redistributable > 2013


You can either install rossum and its dependencies as stand-alone binaries, where you do not need to install python to use. Or you can install the python source files, with python.

Stand-alone binaries

  1. Download the binaries folder in the release.
  2. Extract to a suitable, permanent location on your local machine.
  3. Rename the folder if you choose.
  4. Add this location to your environment Path:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + "path\to\rossum", "User");

Replace path\to\rossum with the actual full path where rossum is located.


  1. Install python on your machine
  2. Download the python folder in the release.
  3. Extract to a suitable, permanent location on your local machine.
  4. Rename the folder if you choose.
  5. Install the PyPi python dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Add this location to your environment Path:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + "path\to\rossum", "User");

Replace path\to\rossum with the actual full path where rossum is located.


If you have issues with the gpp preprocessor install Visual C++ Redistributable 2013, included in the release under vcredist.


For usage of rossum check the Readme file at:

For a more in depth look at the dependencies, check out the readmes for:

Rossum 0.5.0 convenience distribution

19 Nov 22:18
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This is a convenience distribution of rossum, ktransw, ninja and gpp.

Tools included

  • rossum v0.5 (Apache 2)
  • ktransw v0.5 (Apache 2)
  • ninja v1.11.1 (Apache 2)
  • yamljson2xml (MIT)
  • gpp v2.27 (GNU LESSER)


  • Python (see rossum readme)
  • ktrans (from RoboGuide, see ktrans readme)
  • install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt


Extract the archive to a suitable location and place the directory containing
ktransw.cmd, kdictw.cmd, rossum.cmd, kpush.cmd, yamljson2xml.cmd, gpp.exe, ninja.exe on the Windows Environment PATH.

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + "path\to\rossum-distrib", "User");


Replace path\to\rossum-distrib with the actual full path where rossum-distrib is located.

Make sure Python is installed as well as the dependencies found in requirements.txt by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If necessary, install the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 package
(gpp will not run without it).

Opening a Windows command prompt (cmd) and running rossum should result in
the rossum usage text being printed.


See the rossum, ktransw, and yamljson2xml readmes.

Rossum 0.3.0 convenience distribution

25 Jun 21:52
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This is a convenience distribution of rossum, ktransw, ninja and gpp.

Tools included

  • rossum v0.3.0 (Apache 2)
  • ktransw v0.3.2 (Apache 2)
  • ninja v1.7.2 (Apache 2)
  • yamljson2xml (MIT)
  • gpp v2.25-SNAPSHOT-ktransw-patches ((L)GPLv3)


  • Python (see rossum readme)
  • ktrans (from RoboGuide, see ktrans readme)
  • install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt


Extract the archive to a suitable location and place the directory containing
ktransw.cmd, kdictw.cmd, rossum.cmd, kpush.cmd, yamljson2xml.cmd, gpp.exe, ninja.exe on the Windows PATH.

Make sure Python is installed as well as the dependencies found in requirements.txt.

If necessary, install the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 package
(gpp will not run without it).

Opening a Windows command prompt (cmd) and running rossum should result in
the rossum usage text being printed.


See the rossum, ktransw, and yamljson2xml readmes.

Updates is a separate program to build ftp script.
-A manifest of program types, program name, and child objects is written to .man_log. This is used by to sending files to the robot.
-Fanuc dictionary support is added with Where preprocessor support is added.
-Able to preprocess compile programs to work with just ktrans where rossum is not supported.
-defined macros from the command line or the package manifest
-split dependencies for test and source packages

Rossum 0.2.5 convenience distribution

29 Oct 21:07
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This is a convenience distribution of rossum, ktransw, ninja and gpp.

Tools included

  • rossum v0.2.5 (Apache 2)
  • ktransw v0.3.1 (Apache 2)
  • ninja v1.7.2 (Apache 2)
  • yamljson2xml (MIT)
  • gpp v2.25-SNAPSHOT-ktransw-patches ((L)GPLv3)


  • Python (see rossum readme)
  • ktrans (from RoboGuide, see ktrans readme)
  • install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt


For compiling yaml or json files to xml with yamljson2xml, it dependeds
on a forked repository of
install this dependency with:

git clone
cd dicttoxml
python install


Extract the archive to a suitable location and place the directory containing
ktransw.cmd, kdictw.cmd, rossum.cmd, kpush.cmd, yamljson2xml.cmd, gpp.exe, ninja.exe on the Windows PATH.

Make sure Python is installed as well as the dependencies found in requirements.txt.

If necessary, install the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 package
(gpp will not run without it).

Opening a Windows command prompt (cmd) and running rossum should result in
the rossum usage text being printed.


See the rossum, ktransw, and yamljson2xml readmes.


  • TP Interfaces : easily expose karel routines to your TP programs by specifying the routines, and the name of the interface karel program in the package manifest. In your TP program call the interface program with the appropriate arguements.
  • Define global macros either in the package manifest, or from the commandline (i.e. -DDEBUG=true, will set a macro '%define DEBUG true' for the entire build)
  • FANUC Dictionary and form support where gpp macros can be defined in dictionaries using '#define'.
  • kpush : kpush is refactored to give produce a file log, keeping track of created objects, or templates that are not defined in manifest.

Rossum 0.2.0 convenience distribution

29 May 02:29
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This is a convenience distribution of rossum, ktransw, ninja and gpp.

Tools included:

  • rossum v0.1.4 (Apache 2)
  • ktransw v0.2.2 (Apache 2)
  • ninja v1.7.2 (Apache 2)
  • yamljson2xml (MIT)
  • gpp v2.25-SNAPSHOT-ktransw-patches ((L)GPLv3)


  • Python (see rossum readme)
  • ktrans (from RoboGuide, see ktrans readme)
  • install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt


For compiling yaml or json files to xml with yamljson2xml, it dependeds
on a forked repository of
install this dependency with:

git clone
cd dicttoxml
python install


Extract the archive to a suitable location and place the directory containing
ktransw.cmd, rossum.cmd, yamljson2xml.cmd, gpp.exe, ninja.exe on the Windows PATH.

Make sure Python and EmPy have been installed.

If necessary, install the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 package
(gpp will not run without it).

Opening a Windows command prompt (cmd) and running rossum should result in
the rossum usage text being printed.


See the rossum and ktransw readmes.