Rope is a public Kite registry with proxy support between kites. Also introduces bi-directional communication between Kites.
Before starting make sure to call npm install
and go get
if you want to try go example. Then to start Rope server;
$ node rope.js
This will start the server on
which then you can run one of the node examples (in another terminal session);
$ node rope-node.js
will create a Rope Node with Node.js, same file also supports browsers which you can try it out;
$ open rope-browser.html
will load the kite.js
bundle and then runs the rope-node.js
which will create another Rope Node in the browser this time.
To try another Rope Node in Go this time;
$ go run rope-node.go
Which will do the same with others.
Once ready, you can start playing with nodes by calling run
over Rope Server
. The best way to do that for now opening Dev Console in your choice of Browser after loading the rope-browser.html
. Which will connect to Rope Server
, identifies itself and will get a list of Kites registered before which you can access from publicKites
global variable. There will be another public variable called kite
which will allow you to interact with Rope Server
. And for an example of usage of run
over Rope Server
would be (in Dev Console of rope-browser.html);
> kite.tell('run', {kiteId: publicKites[0], method: ""}).then(console.log.bind(console))
will ping the first public kite which will end with a simple pong
> kite.tell('run', {kiteId: publicKites[0], method: "kite.systemInfo"}).then(console.log.bind(console))
diskTotal: 975902848,
diskUsage: 328007624,
homeDir: "/Users/gokmen",
memoryUsage: 12602589184,
state: "RUNNING",
totalMemoryLimit: 17179869184,
uname: "darwin",
will return the system info from first public kite.
> kite.tell('run', {kiteId: publicKites[0], method: "kite.prompt", args: ["Your Name? "]}).then(console.log.bind(console))
# on the terminal of first public kite you will see the prompt "Your Name? "
λ go run rope-node.go
2017-07-06 01:24:30 [dope] INFO New listening:
2017-07-06 01:24:30 [dope] INFO Serving...
2017-07-06 01:24:30 [dope] INFO Identify requested!
2017-07-06 01:24:30 [dope] INFO Following Kites found on Rope: [8542b5e3-fc67-4c6b-a368-968c12d69357 11f4f2f9-1cd7-4f77-862b-4de07a42a991]
Your Name? Poyraz
# once provided it will return the result to the browser console.
> kite.tell('run', {kiteId: publicKites[0], method: "square", args: [5]}).then(console.log.bind(console))
you can check it out the implementation in rope-node.{go, js}