Java client for submitting a remote job to HDInsight Spark cluster.
The client supports to send a batch job and create an interactive session with Spark. The implmentation is based on the specification described in the following documents:
- HDInsight Remote Job Submission for Spark REST API Reference (
- hdinsight/livy (
You will need to download and install the following to build the code:
- JDK 1.8 or later
- Maven 3.x
The sample codes are included in the src/main/java/sample directory. The sample shows you how to use the client for both batch and interactive.
Here is how to run the sample application, assuming you already have installed Java 8+ and Maven 3.x in your environment.
1. First of all, you need to set a username, password, and endpoint to get an access to your
hdinsight cluster. Open that is in src/main/java/sample directory,
and set username, password, and endpoint name to LivyInteractiveClient() class.
2. Change the directory to hdinsight-spark-livy-client/livy-client. You can find pom.xml, and
run the follwoiong command for compiling and building jar file.
>mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
3. Run the application with the following command.
>java -cp ./target/livy-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar sample/Main