Browse opds catalogs.
use 'kolja/telescope-opds'
cmd = '/usr/bin/curl', -- /usr/bin/curl is the default
url = <opds-server>, -- e.g. http://your.opds.server/catalog
auth = 'user:password', -- optional
raw_preview = false, -- render raw xml2lua output to preview
openers = {
-- fields on media are: title, filename, type and href
epub = function(media)
vim.cmd('read! pandoc --from epub --to markdown "''"')
pdf = function(media)
vim.cmd('!open /Applications/ "''"')
When you select a book from the opds catalog, it will be saved to a temporary directory and an opener function will be called that matches the media type. The media object that is passed to it looks like this:
href = 'http://your.opds.server:8888/library/file/1/epub',
title = 'Alice in Wonderland',
type = 'epub', -- or 'pdf'
filename = '/tmp/.../Alice in Wonderland.epub' -- path to the downloaded file
needs your feedback and code-review