In these exercises you will apply your knowledge of functional programming to the task of image processing.
The exercises will help you practice the following skills:
- Exploring and using a new API.
- Applying algorithms to multi-dimensional data.
- Handling boundary conditions.
- Using
functions. - Thinking about the binary representation of numbers.
You can think of a digital image as a large two-dimensional array of pixels, each of which has a red (R) value, a green (G) value, and a blue (B) value. An R, G, or B value is just an integer between 0 and a maximum value defined by the image (usually 255 or 65535). To transform an image, you can map over all of these pixels, one at a time, and do something to some or all of the pixels. For example, to generate a new image with all of the green color removed from each pixel:
let no_green img = img ~f:(fun (r, g, b) -> (r, 0, b))
First fork this repository by visiting this page and clicking on the green "Create fork" button at the bottom.
Then clone the fork locally (on your AWS machine) to get started. You can clone a repo on the command line like this (where $USER is your GitHub username):
$ git clone$USER/raster.git
Cloning into 'raster'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 64, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (64/64), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (48/48), done.
remote: Total 64 (delta 10), reused 59 (delta 9), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (64/64), done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (64/64), done.
Now you should be able to enter the project directory, build the starter code, and run the executable binary like this:
$ cd raster/
$ dune build
$ dune runtest
$ ./_build/default/bin/image_exercise.exe help
A tool to perform various image manipulations
image_exercise.exe SUBCOMMAND
=== subcommands ===
bluescreen . Replace the 'blue' pixels of an image with those
from another image
blur . Blur an image
dither . Dither an image
grayscale . Convert an image to grayscale
version . print version information
help . explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
The files for this exercise are contained in this repository. These files are:
: an OCaml library representing an RGB image
: an OCaml library you will use to interact with PPM
: you will modify this file to implement your solution to problem 1 (Grayscale)
: you will modify this file to implement your solution to problem 2 (Blue Screening)
: you will modify this file to implement your solution to problem 3 (Blur)
: you will modify this file to implement your solution to problem 4 (Dithering)
: a module to set up the terminal commands for each problem.
: a module that wraps around the Image_exercise_lib module in thesrc
: a picture of some backpacking goofball, used as the input image
: a still photo from the set of the 2013 film Oz the Great and Powerful, used as one of the input images
: a peaceful meadow scene, used as one of the input images
: the expected output image
, provided for your referencereference-oz_meadow.ppm
: the expected output image
, provided for your referencereference-oz_meadow_improved.ppm
: the expected output image for the CHALLENGE improvement
, provided for your referencereference-beach_portrait_blur.ppm
: the expected output image
, provided for your referencefruit.ppm
directory- Starter code for unit tests you may wish to write.
For this exercise, we'll use the PPM (Portable Pixel Map) image format. While it's not the most efficient format, is very simple and human-readable thanks to being a plain ASCII text file. The specifics of the format are not particularly important, though if you're curious you can read more here.
To make it easy to view these images, you'll want to install the PBM/PPM/PGM Viewer for Visual Studio Code extension. To do so:
- Go to the extensions tab (View → Extensions).
- Search for "ppm", and install the extension (should be the first result by ngtystr).
- With this extension installed, clicking on any
file will display the image.
If you want to see the ASCII text, right-click on the file, select Open With..., and select Text Editor from the drop-down menu.
to implement the transform
function to return a black-and-white or
grayscale version of the input image. In the RGB color model, gray tones are produced
when the values of red, green, and blue are all equal. A simple way to do this conversion
is to set the red, green, and blue values for each pixel to the average of those values in
the original image. That is
dune exec bin/image_exercise.exe -- grayscale -filename images/beach_portrait.ppm
from the project directory should produce a file called beach_portrait_gray.ppm
that is the same image as reference-beach_portrait_gray.ppm
Movies—particularly (non-animated) action movies that use a lot of special effects—often use a technique called blue screening to generate some scenes. The actors in a scene are filmed as they perform in front of a blue screen and, later, the special-effects crew removes the blue from the scene and replaces it with another background (an ocean, a skyline, the Jane Street office). The same technique is used for television weather reports—the meteorologist is not really gesturing at cold fronts and snow storms, just at a blank screen. [Sometimes green screening is used instead; the choice depends on things like the skin tone of the star.] This problem asks you to do something similar.
We can combine an image of, say, James Franco on the set of Oz the Great and Powerful
) with an image of scenery (meadow.ppm
) by replacing the bluish
pixels in the first picture with pixels from a background picture. To do this, we have to
figure out which pixels are bluish (and can be changed) and which ones correspond to the
actor and props (and should be left alone). Identifying which pixels are sufficiently blue
is tricky. Here's an approach that works reasonably well here: count any pixel that
satisfies the following formula as "blue" for the purposes of blue screening:
Modify the transform
function in
to use this formula to return a new
image with the appropriate pixels in image
replaced with pixels from background
. When
you have implemented a correct solution, running
dune exec bin/image_exercise.exe -- bluescreen -foreground images/oz_bluescreen.ppm \
-background images/meadow.ppm
from the project directory should produce a file called oz_bluescreen_vfx.ppm
that is
the same image as reference-oz_bluescreen_vfx.png
to implement the transform
function. transform
should create and
return a blurry version of the image (image
). For each pixel, average all of the pixels
within a square radius
of that pixel. Here's an example what that means:
Each pixel will become the average of the square of pixels around it. Pixels at the edges of the image will use whatever part of the square actually exists. Here's an animation of how the square radius moves with each pixel:
A good way to approach this would be to use radius
to slice out a square around the
pixel in question. For example, Image.slice image ~x_start:0 ~x_end:10 ~y_start:0 ~y_end:10
would slice out a 10-by-10 square from the upper left corner of the image.
To get the average of the pixels of an image you can use Image.mean_pixel
Make sure to put all of your results in a new image, instead of overwriting your original as you go; otherwise, your blurred pixels will cascade on top of each other. Be careful near the borders of the image. Keep in mind that some approaches to this problem will result in much slower performance.
When you have implemented a correct solution, running
dune exec bin/image_exercise.exe -- blur -filename images/beach_portrait.ppm -radius 3
should produce a file called beach_portrait_blur.ppm
that is the same image as
In the file called
, implement the transform
function. Dithering is a
technique used to print a gray picture in a legacy medium (such as a newspaper) where no
shades of gray are available. Instead, you need to use individual pixels of black and
white to simulate shades of gray. A standard approach to dithering is the Floyd–Steinberg
algorithm, which works as follows:
- Loop over all pixels as always, from top to bottom and, within each row, from left to right.
- For each pixel: if its value is larger than 0.5, then set it to 1.0 (pure white). Otherwise, set it to 0 (pure black). Since this is a grayscale image, the red, green, and blue channels will all be equal. Record the error, which represents how much blackness we have added to this pixel, by taking the old value of this pixel minus the new one. Note that the error can be positive or negative, depending on whether you adjusted the color blackwards or whitewards.
- Distribute this pixel's error to adjacent pixels as follows:
- Add 7/16 of the error to the pixel immediately to the right (east).
- Add 3/16 of the error to the pixel immediately diagonally to the bottom left (southwest).
- Add 5/16 of the error to the pixel immediately below (south).
- Add 1/16 of the error to the pixel immediately diagonally to the bottom right (southeast).
This is an algorithm where a pure functional approach may not work as well. Image.set
will likely be useful in distributing the error.
Be careful near the edges of the image! If some error should be distributed to a pixel that doesn't exist (e.g., it's off the edge of the image), you should just ignore that part of the error.
Some tips:
- Dithering should only be done on grayscale images—actually you can dither color
images, too, but it's a bit more complicated—so use
to convert an image to gray before you get started. - In order for dithering to work, you must make your changes to the same image that you are looping over. Dithering by reading one image and making your changes on a copy will not work correctly, because the error never gets a chance to accumulate.
5 Hidden Image
Steganography is the process of hiding information in an image. If you haven't already,
take a look at the file fruit.ppm
. Neat, huh? A picture of fruit. Just a regular old
harmless bowl of fruit. Or is there more here than meets the eye?
Actually, there is. Embedded in this image is data. Recall that every pixel in an image has a red, a green and a blue channel, and (in this image, at least) each channel can have one of 256 values (0 through 255). If we were to write these numbers in binary, we'd need 8 bits: 00000000 in binary is 0, 00000101 in binary is 5, and the biggest binary number we can write, 11111111, is 255.
Suppose we changed the two low-order bits (the rightmost bits). How much might this change the value of an 8 bit number? At most, we switch those last two bits from 00 to 11 or vice-versa. This is a change of 3. Out of 256 possible values, this is a change of just over 1%, and again, that's the most it could be. So this change is pretty insignificant. You typically would have to look very closely to notice it, if you could see it at all.
What we've done is alter the two lowest order (rightmost) bits of each channel to encode data. We could have encoded text, but here we've simply encoded another image. If we wanted one pixel to have a lot of red, I set the two low bits to 11. If we wanted a fair bit of red, just a touch or red, or no red at all, we'd use 10, 01, or 00 respectively.
For example, if a pixel in the fruit image has a red value of 10110101, then all you really care about is that the value ends in 01, and thus indicates that the corresponding pixel in our secret image uses the second lowest possible red value. To convert this to the appropriate value, the first thing you should do is zero out the 6 high order bits. So 10110101 should become 00000001. You might figure out what standard arithmetic and modular operations are needed to implement the conversion or devise some other approach. In the example above, the original binary number represents 181, and you'd like it changed to a 1. The numbers 182 and 186 should both be changed to 2's, the numbers 183, 187, and 191 should each be changed to 3's, etc.
Write a module called
that reads in the image of the fruit and
effectively zeroes out the 6 high order bits for every color channel of every pixel. You
should look at the files provided for the previous exercises to see how to set up the
part of the module that defines a terminal command and read and writes image files. You'll
also need make a small addition to
to add your new steganography
command to image_exercise.exe
Once you've thrown out the high order bits, you could display the image, but it would look
pretty dark. Your brightest pixels would have RGB values of at most 3, so you probably
wouldn't see much. Therefore, we'll amplify the color by shifting the bits we have 6 bits
to the left. So 00000001 should become 01000000. How do you do this bit shift? Multiply by
. Save the new image to a
file called mystery.ppm
and take a look at it. You'll know if it worked.
Your best tool for determining the correctness of your output images is the provided reference images. A visual comparison of the two will catch any major differences. To detect bugs that result in minor differences from the expected output, you might consider writing code that loads both your image and the reference image. You could then write code to compare the values at each pixel of your image to the corresponding pixel in the reference image to check for any differences.
Since .ppm
images are just text files, you can use the Linux diff
command to quickly
check whether there are any differences. Running
diff -q image1.ppm image2.ppm
will output nothing if image1.ppm
and image2.ppm
are identical and otherwise print a
message that they differ.
You can do these in any order you like.
If you look closely at oz_bluescreen_vfx.ppm
you will notice a number of small errors
(sometimes called artifacts). These include bits of blue mixed in with the meadow
grasses, a blue outline around the balloon basket, and bits of James Franco replaced with
tree pixels. For this challenge, improve the formula used for determining "blue" pixels
such that these errors are avoided. Try and produce an image at least as good as
In film photography, there is an effect called solarization where extreme overexposure of the film results in tone reversal (i.e., light colors becoming dark and vice versa). This often happens when taking a picture of the sun, where the sun will appear as a black dot.
This idea can also apply to digital images, where it's known as pseudo-solarization. This works as follows: given some threshold value, if a color is above the threshold, invert that color.
An example output image with a threshold of 30% of the maximum pixel value:
Extend your dithering function to work for color images. It will need to take the desired
number of colors per channel (max_val
), and
similarly for green and blue (for a total of eight possible colors).
To transform a color in the original image to the corresponding dithered color, you'll need to round the original color to the closest color in the restricted dithered palette. Be sure to apply error separately for each color channel.
An example output image with
The Sobel edge detection algorithm highlights the edges of objects in an image. It works by detecting areas with a high variation in pixel values (gradients).
The algorithm consists of three steps:
- Calculate horizontal (
$G_x$ ) and vertical ($G_y$ ) gradient values for each pixel in the image. - Calculate the final gradient magnitude for each pixel using the calculated
$G_x$ and$G_y$ values. - Set each pixel to black or white based on whether the magnitude exceeds a user-provided threshold
To compute
To apply a Sobel operator kernel to a pixel, you must perform a convolution operation. A
convolution is the sum of the element-wise multiplication of the kernel with the
surrounding pixel values. Then, the final gradient magnitude
If the input image is in color, you should first convert it to grayscale, as the algorithm works on grayscale images. You might also exploring blurring the input image to reduce the noise in the detected edges.
Make sure to handle border cases, where the Sobel operator kernel may not fit. One solution is to ignore the borders or use edge padding (e.g., mirroring the pixels adjacent to the border).
An example output image with a threshold of 40% of the maximum pixel value and a radius-2 blur applied to the input image:
In this exercise, you will implement an image mosaic operation that selects a random region in the input image and replaces it with the most similar region in the image. The user provides the width and height of the regions to move and the number of moves to perform.
- Load the input image using
. - Repeat the number of
specified by the user:- Select a random region in the image with the user-specified
. Let's call itregion1
. - Divide the image into a grid of
regions. Let's call this set of sub-imagestargets
. - Search
for the region (let's call itregion2
) that is the most similar toregion1
. Use the mean-squared error (MSE) metric for image similarity. - Swap the pixels of
with the pixels ofregion2
- Select a random region in the image with the user-specified
- Save the modified image using
The mean-squared error (MSE) between two equally sized image regions
An example output image created by 10,000 moves of 10 pixel-by-10 pixel regions: