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AnimatedWordCloud ver 1.0.9

Codacy Badge unit-testcodecov

AnimatedWordCloud animates the timelapse of your words vector.


Using Elon Musk's tweets.
(C) Elon Musk


Procedure Notebook

How to use?


Python (3.8 <= version <= 3.12)


BE CAREFUL of the name


pip install AnimatedWordCloudTimelapse


See Example Notebook for details

Using default configuration

from AnimatedWordCloud import animate

# data must be list[("time name", dict[str, float])]
timelapse_wordvector = [
        "time_0",   #time stamp
            "hanshin":0.334,    #word -> weight

# animate!
# the animation gif path is in this variable!
path = animate(timelapse_wordvector)

Editing configuration

from AnimatedWordCloud import animate, Config

config = Config(
    what_you_want_to_edit = editing_value

timelapse = # adding time lapse data

#give the config to second parameter
animate(timelapse, config)
Parameters of Config

All has default value, so just edit what you need

parameter name type meaning
font_path str Path to the font file.
output_path str Parh of the output directory
max_words int max number of the words in the screen
max_font_size int Maximum font size of the word
min_font_size int Minimum font size of the word
image_width int Width of the image
image_height int Height of the image
background_color str Background color.
This is based on
color_map str color map used for coloring words
This is based on matplotlib colormap
allocation_strategy str(literal) allocation algorithm method. This will change the allocation of the words in the output.
There is "magnetic" now.
image_division int precision of allocation calculation. Higher the preciser, but calculation slower
movement_reluctance float Reluctance of the movement of the word. If higher, the word tends to stay near to the previous position.
verbosity str(literal) logging.
silent: nothing
minor: bars to know the progress
debug: all progress. noisy
transition_symbol str written in the image
starting_time_stamp str time stamp of the first frame (before the first time stamp in the input timelapse data)
duration_per_interpolation_frame int milliseconds per interpolation frame
duration_per_static_frame int milliseconds per staic (frame correspond to timestamp of wordvector) frame
n_frames_for_interpolation int how many frames will be generated for interpolation between each frames
interpolation_method str(literal) The method of making movement
There is "linear" now
drawing_time_stamp bool Whether to draw time stamp on the image
time_stamp_color str Color of the time stamp. This is based on Pillow ImageColor
time_stamp_font_size int Font size of the time stamp.
If None(default), it will be set to 75% of max_font_size
time_stamp_position tuple[int, int] Position of the time stamp.
If None(default), it will be set to (image_width0.75, image_height0.75) which is right bottom.
intermediate_frames_id str Static images of each frame of itermediate product will be saved as "{intermediateframes_id}{frame_number}.png".
If None(default), this will be set randomly.

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