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Elliptic Multiscale Problem with MsFEM in Deal.II (MPI Parallel)

This repository is for teaching purposes only.

Building the executable

To build the executable and Eclipse project files you must clone the repository:

git clone elliptic_msfem_MPI

We want an out-of-source-build with build files in a folder parallel to the code:

mkdir elliptic_msfem_MPI_build
cd elliptic_msfem_MPI_build

Then create the build files with cmake:

cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/dealii -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j4 -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ../elliptic_msfem_MPI

You can now import an existing project in Eclipse. To generate the executable in debug mode type

make debug
make -jN

If you want to produce a faster reslease version type

make release
make -jN

Then test the executable with

mpirun -n n ./main

where n is the number of MPI processes. You should also be able to run this on clusters using SLURM.

To run all tests type

ctest -V -R

Building the Documentation

You will need doxygen, mathjax and some other packages such as GraphViz installed.

To build the documentation with doxygen enter the code folder

cd elliptic_msfem_MPI/doc

and type

doxygen Doxyfile

This will generate a html documentation of classes in the elliptic_msfem_MPI/documentation/html directory. To open it open the index.html in a web browser.